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Yes, it is lovely,no snow to shawel

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2mo ago

The hot and humid climate in Florida can impact residents by affecting their lifestyle choices and health. It can contribute to heat-related illnesses, mold growth, and increased energy bills for air conditioning. Additionally, the threat of hurricanes and flooding due to the state's tropical climate can impact property damage and safety concerns for residents.

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Q: How does the climate in Florida affect the people that live in Florida?
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How do the climate and landform affect the way people live?

The mountens may throw people of balance when it forms

How does climate affect where people choose to live?

Climate can influence where people choose to live by impacting factors such as temperature, precipitation levels, and seasonality. People may prefer regions with milder climates for comfort and well-being, while avoiding extreme weather conditions like hurricanes, droughts or flooding. Additionally, climate can also affect economic opportunities, agriculture, and the availability of natural resources in a given location, influencing settlement patterns.

How does the climate affect a place?

You can say, for example, because I've noticed this alot. People who live in colder climates tend to become sad, moody, and depressed easier than people who live in hotter climates, and they tend to be more energetic and happy. Also cold weather can effect people going out with their family and friends.

How does the climate affect the melanin of people?

Climate can affect the amount of melanin in people, with those living in sunnier regions developing more melanin to protect their skin from harmful UV rays. This results in darker skin tones to provide better sun protection. Conversely, those living in regions with less sun exposure may have lighter skin tones due to less need for melanin production.

How do climate change affect biodiversity?

Changes in Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous cycles can affect the health and variety of organisms that live in an ecosystem

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The climate affect peole how livie in Scandinavia by leting them have water

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urban reasons

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the reason why the people In Madagascar are affected by the climate is because the live near the equator which is very warm which causes climate affect .

How does the climate in Jordan affect the people who live there?

If it's hot they're hot.

How do the climate and landform affect the way people live?

The mountens may throw people of balance when it forms

How do desert affect where you live?

By the climate

How does the climate affect the type of house you live in?

Because itz climate

How does density affect climate?

People tend to live in areas of the world that, how do you say it, have temperate climates. Not many people like to live in polar climates, or dry climates. So temperate climate zones are the way to go.

Who were the first people to live in Florida?

the first people to live in Florida were native Americans.