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Q: How does soil depend on living things in detail?
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How do you think living things depend upon non living things?

Living things depend on non-living things for essential resources such as water, sunlight, oxygen, and nutrients. Non-living things create and maintain the physical environment in which living organisms can thrive and carry out their life processes. For example, plants depend on sunlight for photosynthesis, animals rely on water for hydration, and all organisms need oxygen for respiration.

Is it true All living things depend directly or indeirectly on soil?

Yes, all living things depend directly or indirectly on soil. Soil provides essential nutrients, water, and support for plant growth, which in turn sustains animals and humans that rely on plants for food. Soil also plays a crucial role in nutrient cycling and maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems.

How is soil useful for living things?

Soil is essential for living things because it provides nutrients, support, and moisture for plants to grow. It also houses a diverse community of organisms that help decompose organic matter, recycle nutrients, and maintain soil structure. Additionally, soil plays a crucial role in the carbon and water cycles, which are important for sustaining life on Earth.

How does people depend on the soil for survival?

People depend on soil for survival because it is essential for growing food crops, which provide us with nutrients to sustain life. Soil also supports ecosystems, filters water, and plays a key role in the carbon and nutrient cycles that are vital for all living organisms. Additionally, soil is a source of raw materials for various industries, such as construction and pharmaceuticals.

How is soil important to living things?

Soil is important to living things because it provides nutrients, water, and support for plant growth. It also serves as a habitat for a wide variety of organisms, including many microorganisms that play critical roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition processes. Soil quality directly impacts the health and productivity of ecosystems.

What is the idea that living things from non living things?

The concept that living things can arise from non-living things is known as abiogenesis. This theory suggests that the conditions on early Earth allowed for the formation of simple organic molecules, which eventually led to the development of more complex biological systems. While the exact mechanisms of abiogenesis are still debated, it is thought to have played a crucial role in the origins of life on our planet.

Why is a fertile soil not necessarily a productive soil?

Type your answer here...It depend of on the following things;- Acidity and alkalinity of the soil and compaction of the soil.

Why a fertile soil is not necessarily a productive soil?

A fertile soil contains essential nutrients required for plant growth, but other factors such as soil structure, drainage, and pH levels also play a crucial role in determining soil productivity. If these factors are not optimal, even a soil with high fertility may not be productive as plants may struggle to access or utilize the nutrients effectively.

Why isn't soil living?

While soil itself is not living, it does support myriad living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, insects, and worms. These organisms play crucial roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition, making soil a dynamic and essential component of Earth's ecosystems.

Is soil living or a non living thing?

Soil doesnt live but things in it lives(plants seeds etc.)

Does the kind of soil affect living things?

Yes, the type of soil can have a significant impact on living things. Different soils vary in terms of nutrient content, pH levels, water retention, and texture, all of which can directly influence the growth and survival of plants, microorganisms, and other organisms that depend on the soil for their habitat and food source.

Why is soil nonliving?

Soil is very alive. It has a lot of living things in it.