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Sexual selection is a concept that can be considered a subset of natural selection. In sexual selection, only the traits that lead to mating success will be passed on to the next generation. In other words, only the males with certain characteristics (most often strength and physical attractiveness) will have the opportunity to mate with the females and pass on their genetic information. Certain males are chosen by the females if they are considered to have superior genetic characteristics that will ensure optimal fitness for their offspring. Thus, the weak or unattractive males will not be able to reproduce.

Mating rituals vary throughout the animal species, but they often include competition between the males and physical displays. Sometimes, in social animals who live in groups, the alpha male who has proven himself to be superior to the other males of the group will be the only one who is allowed to mate with the females.

Sexual selection has resulted in the physical dimorphism between males and females of many species. Males sometimes have larger, more exaggerated, or more colorful physical characteristics, in order to impress the females or for use in mating competitions. A prime example of sexual selection is found in the peafowl. Only the male peacocks have the bright, blue-green plumage that is used to attract female mates. Female peahens have no use for them, so they are a dull brown or grey color.

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15y ago

Sexual selection does not only lead to evolution, it is one of the key aspects of natural selection. Organisms must attract a mate to pass their genes to offspring. If the organism doesn't have favorable traits, then it will have trouble finding a mate to produce offspring. So only potential mates with highly favorable traits will be representative in future generations.

A perfect example of sexual selection is the male peacock. Peacock females developed a desire for large and gaudy tail feathers. So the male peacocks with the largest and gaudiest tail feathers where chosen as mates. The result is the outlandish tail feathers of the peacock that we have today. Sexual selection is probably the most important factor in natural selection as you have to produce offspring for your genes to be represented in the future. A male peacock that would have the best genes for survival would not even have a chance at producing offspring if he did not have the genes for making large tail feathers.

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10y ago

Intrasexual selection is a type of sexual selection, first described by Darwin. Sexual selection is often contrasted with natural selection, but really it is a type of natural selection which has to do with how much mating an individual does. Traits under sexual selection are those that impact the amount and quality of mates one can secure. Intersexual and intrasexual selection are two forms of sexual selection. In intersexual selection, one sex selects on traits in the opposite sex, such as a female cardinal selecting for bright plumage in a male cardinal (females choose the brightest colored male to mate with, and those bright colors, which are under genetic control, are therefore overrepresented in the next generation, and so on). Intrasexual selection is where males within the species select on traits in other males, and females in the species select on other traits in females. An example of intrasexual selection is the selection for larger horns in bighorn sheep. Males use these in competitive one-on-one fights, and the winner usually gets the female. Intrasexual selection is often referred to as having to do with "male-male competition" and intersexual selection is often referred to as having to do with "female choice".

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14y ago

It is important because if males and females of the different species do not like each other's colours or appearances they will only choose ones that look like their own species, and choose not to mate with the other species even if they are compatible.

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12y ago

Sexual selection occurs when certain traits increase mating success and in bed

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12y ago

Sexual selection is a special form of natural selection that leads to traits that attract mates so that reproductive success is garnered that way.

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Why do people look like they look?

Millions of years of adaptive change to the immediate environment. Natural selection and sexual selection in humans have shaped our bodies to preform the survival and reproductively successful algorithms that " promote " genes into the next generation. Even our faces are products of selection, sexual selection, as women drive this evolution in men by being the sex that chooses to be with a partner.

How did the ideas of Alfred Russell Wallace cpare to Darwin's ideas about natural selection and evolu tion?

Very closely in natural selection, but in some drivers of evolution, such as sexual selection, Wallace and Darwin disagreed on the fine points. Wallace could not accept female choice in sexual selection when Darwin posited this concept. Lively exchanges in letters were held over this disagreement.

What are the contributions of Charles Darwin in the field of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. Sexual selection. Just to name the two most important contributions of Charles Darwin.

Why is mitosis a form of sexual reproduction?

Mitosis is not a form of sexual reproduction. Mitosis is a type of cell division that produces two genetically identical daughter cells from a single parent cell. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents, leading to genetic variation in the offspring.

How did looking at fossils help Darwin form his theory of natural selection?

Evolution refers to the process of the collection of genes in variety and in frequency changing from one generation to another by reason of selective factors (i.e. natural selection, artificial selection, sexual selection, etc.). Some misinterpret this to mean that one species always becomes a new species which may happen but generally, the changes that happen are slight and go unnoticed. Overtime though, a timeline of fossils reveals very interesting trends like humans possibly developing a straighter posture. In short, fossils can demonstrate new species forming from old ones, adaptations in response to the environment, or what have you.

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sexual selection

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Natural selection is survival of the fittest, while sexual selection is a preference for a given trait made by the limiting sex. It is strangely, but usually in opposition to natural selection (E.G., male peacock's tail feathers that garner attention from predators and prevent the peacock from fleeing well).

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M. B. Andersson has written: 'Sexual selection' -- subject(s): Sexual selection in animals

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Nonrandom mating can affect evolution by changing the frequency of certain genotypes in a population. If individuals with specific traits are more likely to mate with each other, it can lead to an increase in those traits over generations, influencing the genetic diversity of the population. This can impact evolutionary processes such as sexual selection and genetic drift.

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Sexual Selection.

Does asexual reproduction increase the chances of natural selection?

No, asexual reproduction does not necessarily increase the chances of natural selection. Sexual reproduction introduces genetic variation through meiosis and recombination, which can provide a wider range of traits for natural selection to act upon.

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Reproductive isolation through sexual selection is often an important factor in speciation. This type of natural selection can lead to the evolution of reproductive barriers that prevent individuals from different populations from successfully interbreeding, ultimately resulting in the formation of distinct species.

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Phenotype variation is necessary for natural selection and sexual selection because it provides the raw material for evolution to act upon. Variation allows for individuals within a population to have different traits, which may offer advantages in survival, reproduction, or mate selection. Without phenotype variation, there would be no diversity for natural selection and sexual selection to operate on, thereby limiting the potential for adaptation and species diversification.

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Sexual selection, which is the process by which certain traits are favored for reproduction, can indeed lead to violence in some species. In some cases, competition over mates can result in aggressive behaviors such as fighting or intimidation. However, it is important to note that not all forms of sexual selection result in violence, and many species have alternative strategies for mate selection that do not involve aggression.