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Q: How does salt react to alcohol?
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When a halocarbon react with a base what products are produced?

When a halocarbon reacts with a base, the products are an alcohol and salt.

Why cholesterol is considered as a non-saponifiable lipid?

It will not react with a base which would yield a salt and an alcohol.

Why cholesterol is considered as a non saponifiable lipid?

It will not react with a base which would yield a salt and an alcohol.

Does magnesium react with salt?

Magnesium don't react with salt.

What does salt react with?

Salt can react with water to form a solution called a saline solution. It can also react with certain metals, such as iron, to cause corrosion. Additionally, salt can react with acids and bases to form different compounds.

Would a salt react with plastic?

salt will react with rubber in the presence of heat, rubber can get brittle.

Does cleaning alcohol dssolve salt?

No, rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) does not dissolve salt. Salt is a compound made up of sodium and chloride ions that are held together by ionic bonds, which are not broken down by alcohol. Water is a more effective solvent for dissolving salt.

Would a salt react with another salt if no so howcome nacl react with agno3 silver nitrateto form agcl and nano3?

yes a salt will react with another salt if another substance such as acid was added also.

Does salt dissolve in alcohol?

Yes, salt can dissolve in alcohol. However, the solubility of salt in alcohol varies depending on the type of alcohol and the temperature. Generally, salt is more soluble in water than in alcohol.

Is LiOH a salt?

CH3OH is the chemical formula of methanol, an alcohol - not a salt.

What does insulin do to salt?

Insulin doesn't react with salt.

When salt and sugar are mixed they?

Salt and sugar doesn't react.