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Q: How does response rate affect picture quality?
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How does the quality of water affect the rate of evaporation. Should it be considered for determining the rate of evaporation?

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What is the best video format to save memory on a 30g ipod?

It really depends on whether you are looking for good quality video or trying to save space. If you are looking for a better picture quality then the best format is H.264. If you are trying to save space then using a lower bit-rate will give you a smaller file but will affect the picture quality.

How does quality of water affect the evaporation rate?

Impurities in water can alter the evaporation rate, depending on the type and quantity of impurity.

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rate of input and quality of output

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These are typically known as neuromodulators; they can either change the rate at which a neurotransmitter is released, or alter the response to a certain neurotransmitters.

Does music affect the human heartbeat?

Anything that produces an emotional response can affect heart rate. Something that relaxes you will likely reduce your heart rate, while something that excites you will probably increase it. Music is certainly capable of this.

How does surface affect the affect the affect the affect the affect the affect the travel rate of a rate of a caterpillar?

it does not

How does emotion affect the respiratory rate?

Emotion can affect the respiratory rate by triggering the body's fight-or-flight response, leading to an increase in breathing rate during states of stress, anxiety, or excitement. Conversely, feelings of calmness or relaxation can result in a slower breathing rate. Emotional factors can influence the autonomic nervous system, which controls respiration.

What does response rate mean for a flat screen display?

The response rate is how quickly the pixels are able to change colors. This is important if you have moving images, such as in websites or gaming. The response rate is measured in milliseconds. A response rate should be a lower number for a better performance. An 8ms response time works very well for gaming and a 20ms response time works fine for things like word processing.

What does response rate mean for flat screen display?

The response rate is how quickly the pixels are able to change colors. This is important if you have moving images, such as in websites or gaming. The response rate is measured in milliseconds. A response rate should be a lower number for a better performance. An 8ms response time works very well for gaming and a 20ms response time works fine for things like word processing.

What is the statistics principle that says if I receive all 100 responses or all 0 responses that I have asked the wrong question?

There is no such principle. Although a badly presented question can discourage response, the response rate does not depend that significantly on the quality of the question(s).

How does depressants affect the heart rate?

depressants affect the heart rate by its heart rate