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Both are evidence in favor of Big Bang Cosmology (BBC). Hubble Redshift is easy to explain with BBC, not so easy (but possible) with alternatives. The existence, isotropy, and spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation is also easy to explain with BBC; but impossible to explain with any alternative. It's why BBC went from minority viewpoint amongst cosmologists to (pretty much) universal acceptance in a couple of decades.

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Redshift refers to the stretching of light waves towards longer wavelengths, which occurs when an object is moving away from an observer. Cosmic background radiation, also known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB), is residual radiation from the early stages of the universe that has been redshifted over time and is now observed as microwave radiation. The redshift of the CMB provides strong evidence for the expansion of the universe and supports the Big Bang theory.

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What helped scientist determine the age of the universe?

The redshift of the cosmic microwave background radiation

How do cosmic background radiation the chemical composition of the universe redshift of light and movement of galaxies support the theory of the Big Bang?

Redshift: The only reasonable explanation for the redshift is that most galaxies are moving away from us.As for the cosmic background radiation and the chemical composition, both of these closely match what is expected from the models about the Big Bang.

What is the evidance for the big bang?

The expansion of the Universe, as can be seen by the redshift of distant galaxies; also, the cosmic background radiation. Read the Wikipedia article on "Big Bang" for more details.

What are the weaknesses of cosmic background radiation?

the weakness of cosmic back ground radiation as those radiation are left over of big bangs

What are the source of radiation?

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What caused the cosmic radiation background?

The big bang caused the background radiation.

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The uniformity of cosmic radiation suggests that it originates from sources that are distributed evenly throughout the universe. This could point to sources such as distant galaxies, black holes, or other cosmic phenomena that emit radiation in all directions with similar intensity.

Which theory is supported by the evidence of cosmic microwave backround radiation?

The evidence of cosmic microwave background radiation supports the Big Bang theory.

Who discovered cosmic radiation?

Richard Mewaldt.

What are the strengths of cosmic microwave radiation?

it is strong