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Precipitation brings rain. It supplies water to humans.

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Q: How does precipitation affect humans?
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How does acid precipitation affect humans?

It doesn't effect us directly, but it eventually will, it hurts plants and animals we eat, so we will have a shortage, or be poisoned.

How does temperature affect precipitation?

Precipitation does not directly affect the temperature. However, because there are often clouds that come with precipitation, this indirectly causes a drop in temperature.

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Continental drift affect temperature and precipitation patterns around the planet by changing ocean currents

Does climate change affect precipitation?

Yes, climate change can affect precipitation patterns by causing shifts in the distribution, intensity, and frequency of rainfall. In some regions, climate change may lead to more intense rainfall events and increased risk of extreme precipitation, while other areas may experience longer dry spells and droughts. These changes can have significant impacts on water resources, agriculture, and ecosystems.

How do humans affect an earthquake?

Humans do not directly cause earthquakes, as they are natural geological events resulting from movements in the Earth's crust. However, human activities such as mining, reservoir-induced seismicity from dam construction, and extraction of oil or gas can induce or trigger earthquakes under certain conditions. Additionally, studies suggest that injection of fluids into the ground, such as from hydraulic fracturing or wastewater disposal, can also contribute to inducing seismic events.

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How are temperature and precipitation related to climate?

Temperature and precipitation are key factors in determining climate. Temperature affects the amount of moisture the air can hold, which in turn influences precipitation patterns. Warmer temperatures can lead to more evaporation, which can increase precipitation in some areas, while cooler temperatures can lead to less evaporation and lower precipitation in other areas. Overall, the combination of temperature and precipitation patterns defines the climate of a particular region.

How do humans affect environment?

Humans affect the enviorment by the green house affect ,polution and having landfills

Do humans affect humans?

no they dont