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Virtually all of the world's volcanoes are located at the boundaries between tectonic plates.

It is most common to find volcanoes where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. It is the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the continental plates around it that is called the "ring of fire" because so many volcanoes are formed at this boundary.

In the collision the denser oceanic plate will be forced underneath of the continental plate. This is called 'subduction', and it usually occurs in destructive plate boundaries. Volcanoes are then formed, when the oceanic plate melts and the molten rock rises, being squeezed up by the forces of the mass above.

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7y ago

Volcanoes and volcanic activity occurs at plate boundaries. Especially when one plate over rides another plate - convergent boundary. As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoes are common near convergent boundaries.

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12y ago

Plate Bouderies crack in places and let magma flow through it.

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Q: How does plate tectonics play a role in the formation and eruptions of volcanoes?
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What do plate tectonics cause around the world?

Plate tectonics cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountain ranges around the world. Movement of the Earth's plates can also trigger tsunamis and affect the climate by creating ocean currents and shifting continents.

How earthquakes volcanoes and mountain's formation are related to plate tectonics?

Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains are formed via plate tectonics. When the large continental plates collide, they either cause temporary earthquakes, or more permanent features such as volcanoes and mountains.

Which of the terrestrial planets experiences PLATE tectonics?

The only terrestrial planet known to experience plate tectonics is Earth. Plate tectonics is the movement and interaction of large sections of Earth's lithosphere, and it plays a vital role in shaping the planet's surface and driving geological activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Did plate tectonics on Mars form the volcanoes on Mars?

No. Mars does not have plate tectonics. The volcanoes on Mars are the result of hot spots.

How are the geological events related to plate tectonics?

Geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain formation are directly related to plate tectonics. The movement of Earth's lithospheric plates at plate boundaries leads to these events. For example, earthquakes occur along faults where tectonic plates meet, while volcanic eruptions are often found at convergent plate boundaries where one plate subducts under another.

Related questions

How are volcano eruptions start?

when the plate tectonics move the volcanoes erupts

The formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges can be explained by the theory of what?

Plate tectonics

How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

What do plate tectonics cause around the world?

Plate tectonics cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountain ranges around the world. Movement of the Earth's plates can also trigger tsunamis and affect the climate by creating ocean currents and shifting continents.

How earthquakes volcanoes and mountain's formation are related to plate tectonics?

Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains are formed via plate tectonics. When the large continental plates collide, they either cause temporary earthquakes, or more permanent features such as volcanoes and mountains.

How did plate tectonics cause the formation of the hawaiian island?

The shifting of plates in the earth cause massive underwaer volcanic eruptions. Over time, the eruptions of the volcanoes cause a buildup of dried lava that eventually breached the surface of the ocean. These volcanoes are still erupting, causing the island to gradually grow.

The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain what?

The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

Which of the terrestrial planets experiences PLATE tectonics?

The only terrestrial planet known to experience plate tectonics is Earth. Plate tectonics is the movement and interaction of large sections of Earth's lithosphere, and it plays a vital role in shaping the planet's surface and driving geological activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Did plate tectonics on Mars form the volcanoes on Mars?

No. Mars does not have plate tectonics. The volcanoes on Mars are the result of hot spots.

How are volanoes and the process of plate tectonics related?

how are volcanoes and the process of plate tectonics related

How are the geological events related to plate tectonics?

Geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain formation are directly related to plate tectonics. The movement of Earth's lithospheric plates at plate boundaries leads to these events. For example, earthquakes occur along faults where tectonic plates meet, while volcanic eruptions are often found at convergent plate boundaries where one plate subducts under another.

What will happen to the earth if plate tectonics will not take place give the answer?

the plate tectonics will be flat and no more volcanoes.