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The only physical changes that have any effect on the mass

of an object are lopping a piece off or gluing a new piece on.

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Q: How does physical change affect mass?
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How does physical change and chemical change affect mass?

In a physical change, the mass remains the same since it involves a rearrangement of particles without changing their identities. However, in a chemical change, the mass can change due to the formation or breaking of chemical bonds, resulting in a gain or loss of mass.

Is mass a chemical change or physical change?

Mass is neither a physical nor chemical change; however, it is a physical property of matter.

Does mass change in a physical change?

In this case mass doesn't change.

What is it called when there is no change in mass?

It is a physical change.

Does a substance change mass if it changes physically?

No, a substance does not change mass when it changes physically. Physical changes, such as changes in state (solid, liquid, gas) or shape, do not affect the mass of the substance. The total mass remains the same before and after the physical change.

How does the mass of an objects affect inertia?

Mass is the measure of inertia and if you change the mass the inertia will change.

How does temperature affect physical and chemical chemical change?

A change in temperature can change the rate of physical or chemical change.

What does it mean to say that mass is conserved during a physical change?

Saying that mass is conserved during a physical change means that the total mass of the substances involved remains constant before and after the change. This principle is a fundamental aspect of the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction or physical change, only transformed into different forms.

What is the change that does not affect the chemical properties?

It is called a physical change.

When a popsicle melts does the mass inreases?

No. A physical change like melting does not make something's mass change.

How is the physical change in the robot reversible and how can you tell that the change follows the law of conservation of mass?

The physical change in a robot is reversible if the change does not alter the molecular structure of the materials involved. If the robot is disassembled and reassembled, the change is likely reversible. One can tell that the change follows the law of conservation of mass by weighing the robot before and after the change. If the mass remains the same, then mass has been conserved.

How does a chemical change affect mass?

In a chemical change, the total mass of the substances involved before and after the reaction remains constant according to the law of conservation of mass. However, the individual masses of the reactants and products may change due to the rearrangement of atoms in the chemical reaction.