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Q: How does pasteurisation make milk last longer?
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Why does pasteurisation make milk much longer?

Pasteurisation kills any microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi) that might be in the milk that could cause it to go sour or spoil.

What is in milk to make it last longer?

Milk is pasteurized which reduces the microbial load. That makes it last longer.

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What is phosphatase test in milk?

The phosphatase test in milk measures the amount of phosphatase enzyme in the milk. The phosphatase enzyme should be inactivated by pasteurisation. If the phosphatase test is not negative, there is a problem with pasteurisation or recontamination with unpasteurised milk.

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Why does pasteurization make milk last longer?

dont know because i only questoned this

What is heat treated milk called?

Pasteurized milk is milk that has been heated to make it last longer.

Treatment for milk is named after a french man?

Pasteurisation, named after Louis Pasteur.

Is Fecal Streptococci in Raw Milk killed by pasteurisation?

Yes, since this is a bacteria.

Which foods are made safer by using pasteurisation?

All milk and cream products. Natural juices. though pasteurisation also takes away a lot of the good nutrients, and good bacteria. it is very hard to find unpasteured milk.

What kind of milk lasts longer?

ANSWER:Light is not only the issue, it is also air. Milk the is delivered in bags for milk dispensers last really long, because the air never gets in the bag.

How does pasteurisation affect the bacteria milk?

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