The rate of resource renewal can affect its classification as renewable or non-renewable. Resources that renew at a fast enough rate to meet current consumption demands are classified as renewable, while those that renew slowly or cannot renew within a human lifespan are considered non-renewable. The rate of renewal also impacts sustainability and management practices for these resources.
Natural resources can be renewable and non-renewable.
They are natural resources, and also non-renewable.
Aquamarine itself is a gemstone and is a non-renewable resource as it is mined from the earth. Once it is extracted and used, it cannot be replaced or regenerated in a short timeframe like renewable resources.
Useful materials found in an environment are called natural resources. Not all natural resources are renewable. Minerals and fossil fuels are non-renewable natural resources. Water and tree are renewable.
Gold is a non renewable resources
About the same as renewable resources, except that we cant renew the non renewable resources.
Eggs are renewable resources.
They are called Non-renewable resources.
Something that is not a non-renewable resource is a renewable resource.Renewable resources include:solar energywind energyagricultural resources
you can control the use of non renewable resources by using less
Natural resources are renewable,non-renewable,and inexhauststible resources.
oil and gas
I know where non renewable resources are found. They are found in the ground, It can be also a organism.
The tides are a renewable resource
They use a renewable source of energy. Most are constructed using non renewable resources.