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  1. Newtons laws help us in life every day when trying to use are bodys to move heavy objects that the static friction and if so rolling friction even if the item is to heavy you use it to move objects around the house everyday big or small tall or short you use it no matter what to move objects
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12y ago
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3mo ago

Newton's three laws of motion explain how objects interact with forces in the universe, which has led to advancements in technology like transportation, sports equipment, and engineering. Understanding these laws allows for the design of safer and more efficient tools and machines that improve our quality of life by making tasks easier, faster, and more convenient. From cars to smartphones, Newton's laws of motion have significantly influenced the modern world and how we live our lives.

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11y ago

Newton's Laws have no influence at all on everyday life, and there was plenty of it

going on for thousands of years before he wrote them.

But there were always a lot of things about everyday life that the more alert, inquisitive,

and generally smarter people always wondered about, and those became a lot easier to

understand, once Newton's Laws were passed

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13y ago

There are many ways it affect your life, just pick a few things and if you look hard enough, there is some way it affects your life.

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12y ago

We live in a Newtonian World, from sitting still, to walking, driving, and flying.

If it moves or doesn't moves, it is Newton's Law.

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12y ago

It ensures that kids icecream will still fall of their cone

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13y ago

2nd law of motion: Acceleration = Force divided by Mass. not sure how it sffects us :/

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11y ago

tanung mo sa lolo mo ?

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Q: How does newtons three laws of motion affect our quality of life today?
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How does gravity relates to newtons 3 las of motion?

Newton's three laws of motion describe how forces affect motion. They have nothing to do with gravity, except that gravity is one of many possible causes of force.

What are the possible questions in the laws of motion?

Some possible questions related to the laws of motion include: What are Newton's three laws of motion? How do forces affect the motion of an object? How can we apply Newton's laws to analyze real-world situations?

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what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

Isaac newton has credit for what?

discovering gravity, newtons three laws of motion

What is the name of the famous scientist who gave us newtons three laws of motion?

Albert Einstein

What are the scienific laws?

There are countless scientific laws. Maybe you mean Newtons famous three laws of motion.

Is wrestling related to science?

Yes because you can relate it to motion,speed,friction,acceleration and newtons three laws

What year were newtons three laws found?

Isaac Newton's three laws of motion were published in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.

What three things affect an object's motion?

The three things that affect an object's motion are its initial velocity, the forces acting upon it, and the object's mass. These factors determine how an object moves and experiences acceleration or deceleration.

Advantages of newtons laws?

Newton's laws of motion provide a foundation for understanding and describing how objects move. They are used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy to predict and analyze motion. These laws have practical applications in everyday life, such as in designing vehicles, structures, and sports equipment.

What is newtons three laws of energy?

Newton's three laws of motion are: 1) An object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest, unless acted upon by an external force. 2) The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration. 3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

When were they newtons law created?

Isaac Newton formulated his three laws of motion in 1687 in his book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica." These laws laid the foundation for classical mechanics.