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Natural selection helps a few species survive by favoring those with advantageous traits that increase their likelihood of survival and reproduction in their environment. Over time, these advantageous traits are passed down to future generations, leading to the continuation of those species while others may become extinct.

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Q: How does natural selection help few species to survive?
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How natural selection help few species to survive and how few others got extinct?

how natural selection help some species to survive and few got extinct

What of the following statements describes the theory of natural selection?

The theory of natural selection is the idea that species with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those advantageous traits to their offspring. Over time, this process results in adaptations that help the species better survive and thrive in their environment.

When traits that help an organism survive so it has a better chance to reproduce?

natural selection

Which off the following explains Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Darwin's theory of natural selection suggests that species with traits that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on these advantageous traits to their offspring. Over time, this process leads to gradual changes in the characteristics of a population that help it better survive and reproduce in its specific environment.

What is the central idea of evolution?

The central idea of evolution is that species change over time through the process of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This leads to the gradual accumulation of adaptations that help species to better survive and reproduce in their environment.

Why does nautral selection occur?

Natural selection is part of the scientific theory of evolution. What occurs is that in a population of a certain species, there will be variations. Some variations will help organisms survive better than other. Nature "selects" those traits that help organisms survive. Thus, animals with better adaptations survive longer and reproduce more so that eventually, those adaptive traits become more widespread.

How do adaptations connect to evolution?

Adaptations are traits or behaviors that help organisms survive and reproduce in their environment. Over time, individuals with advantageous adaptations are more likely to survive and pass on these traits to their offspring, leading to evolutionary changes in a population. This process of natural selection drives the evolution of species as they adapt to their changing surroundings.

How does natural selection help make a species stronger?

Natural selection helps make a species stronger by favoring individuals with advantageous traits that increase their ability to survive and reproduce in their environment. Over time, this process leads to the accumulation of beneficial traits in the population, improving its overall fitness and adaptability to changing conditions.

How does instincts help humans survive?

Natural instincts are what help all animals to survive. Without them, we wouldn't know or feel the need to eat, reproduce, learn, evolve and improve our species.

What is the role of natural selection in convergent evolution?

Natural selection drives convergent evolution by favoring similar traits in unrelated species that help them adapt to similar environmental challenges. Species under similar selective pressures may independently evolve similar traits to improve their chances of survival and reproduction. This results in convergent evolution, where distinct species develop analogous characteristics.

What theory is an evolutionary concept that suggests that behaviors that help an organism survive are passed on while weak behaviors are lost?

This is the theory of Natural selection.

How do variation and natural selection work together to cause evolution?

They help each other by gradually accumulate in a species, while unfavorable ones may disappear. Over a long time, natural selection can lead to changes.