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Light gives necessary energy for the plants to produce sugar from carbon bi oxide and water. More the intensity of the light, more the sugar production is there. But there is higher side limit to the amount of maximum sugar that can be produced, in given time, by the given amount of green pigment.

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13y ago

yes, tempature, wich is also considered light can affect the growth of the sugar crystal

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Q: How does light affect how much sugar a plant makes?
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How does the light affect how much sugar a plant makes?


How does light affect how sugar a plant makes?

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Kool aid affects a plant's growth, because during photosynthesis, a plant makes sugar, (glucose, which is a different type of sugar that is healthier for you) and kool aid makes sugar.

Does suger water affect the growth of plants?

Adding sugar to plants will affect the plant. One,it just might kill the plant. Two,it attracts bugs. So yes adding sugar to your plant will kill it. it will kill it if u a massive amount on the plant.