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Lemon juice can inhibit some bacteria if they are sensitive to lower (acidic) pH. As lemon juice is an acid. But there are very high numbers of bacteria in lemon wedges when tested.

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9mo ago

Lemons contain citric acid, which has antimicrobial properties that can help to kill bacteria. The acidity of lemon juice can disrupt the cell membranes of bacteria, preventing their growth and causing them to die off. Additionally, lemon juice can create an inhospitable environment for bacteria by altering the pH levels in which they thrive.

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Can lemon juice kill bacteria?


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The acid of the lemon is a chemical to kill the bacteria in your hands.

Why is lemon used to wash your hands?

The acid of the lemon is a chemical to kill the bacteria in your hands.

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Lemon does not actually absorb odors. It has antibacterial abilities that can kill the bacteria that make the odors leaving only its citrus scent.

Why would lemon juice be an effective way to kill bacteria?

Most bacteria as well as our cells work best at certain pH levels. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2. Our body has a pH around 7.4. Most bacteria prefer a pH of 7.

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Stomach bacteria is naturally neutralized with acidic or certain compounds in foods. If you drink lemon juice or orange juice, the bacteria will be suppressed. Also, compounds found in chili peppers are known to kill any bad bacteria.

Does lemon juice and baking soda get rid of underarm odor?

Yes.the lemon helps kill bacteria that causes odor,while baking soda nuetralizes odor.but you have to,leave the paste on for like a minute or so,for it to do it's job

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A mixture of lemon juice cannot be used to kill ants.

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No , aspirin does not kill Bacteria .

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

Does lemon or lime kill germs?

both kill em

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Lemon eucalyptus contains low levels of citronellal wich is a repellant. It will not kill the bugs.