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The motion of the atoms/molecules means they have kinetic energy. When you heat something, that is how the heat is stored. If the motion gets too big, the atoms/molecules no longer stick together and you get a liquid, ultimately a vapour or gas.

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it vapourises.

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Q: How does kinetic energy relate to the heating of water from a solid to a gas?
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What do the particles within a solid gain on heating?

On heating, particles within a solid gain kinetic energy, causing them to vibrate faster and increase the distance between each other. This leads to an expansion in the solid's volume and an increase in its temperature.

What happens when you add kinetic energy to a solid?

When you add kinetic energy to a solid the molecules won't move

Why the inter-particle space increases on heating a solid at its melting point?

Heating a solid at its melting point provides energy to the particles, causing them to vibrate faster and with more force. As a result, the particles move farther apart, increasing the inter-particle space and ultimately breaking the solid structure, leading to the transition from a solid to a liquid state.

What are the four stages of matter in order from least kinetic energy to most kinetic energy?

The four stages of matter in order from least kinetic energy to most kinetic energy are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. In a solid, particles have the least kinetic energy and are tightly packed together. In a plasma, particles have the most kinetic energy and are ionized.

Kinetic energy of a solid?

The kinetic energy of a solid is the energy associated with the motion of its atoms or molecules. It is derived from the translational, vibrational, and rotational motion of the particles making up the solid. This energy contributes to the overall thermal energy of the solid.

What particle kinetic energy does a solid have?

A solid has particles with kinetic energy that corresponds to their vibrational motion within the lattice structure of the solid. The average kinetic energy of these particles increases with temperature, leading to an increase in the vibrational amplitude and speed.

Do solid materials expand and contract?

Yes, solid materials expand when heated and contract when cooled. This is because heating causes the atoms and molecules in the material to vibrate more and increase their kinetic energy, leading to expansion. Conversely, cooling decreases their kinetic energy, causing them to move closer together and contract.

How can you turn anyting into a liquid gas or solid?

Most solids (all?) can be turned into a gaseous phase by heating.

Describe the movement of matter in order of most kinetic energy to least kinetic energy?

Gas > Liquid > Solid. Gas particles have the highest kinetic energy and move freely, while liquid particles have less kinetic energy and move more slowly. Solid particles have the least kinetic energy and vibrate in place.

When you add heat to a solid does its kinetic energy rise?

Yes, adding heat to a solid increases the kinetic energy of its particles, causing them to vibrate more rapidly within their fixed positions. This increase in kinetic energy leads to a rise in temperature, which can eventually cause the solid to melt into a liquid.

How does kinetic energy of solids liquids and gases compare?

The kinetic energy is lowest in solids, higher in liquids, and highest in gases.

What is the following molecules in order from least kinetic energy to greatest?

The molecules with the least kinetic energy are in solid form, followed by liquid, and then gas with the greatest kinetic energy.