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Q: How does greenhouses keep earth warm?
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Why do you need greenhouses?

Greenhouse gases are needed to keep the planet warm. If it was not for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the earth would be like the moon, warm during the day and frozen at night.

Stucters of the atmoshpere insulates earth through the greenhouses effect?

The greenhouse effect, or the warming effect of Earth's atmosphere, was compared to glass buildings (greenhouses) built to protect and warm plants through.

How do greenhouses keep warm at night?

The air in the greenhouses warms up during the day from the sun's heat. At night the glass or plastic walls and windows prevent much of the heat escaping.

What are the benefits of greenhouses gases?

The natural greenhouse effect has kept the earth warm enough for life for millions of years.

How greenhouses use energy?

Greenhouses use energy from the sun by making the plastic heat up and warm inside

What would happen to the earth if you did not have these greenhouses gases in the atmosphere?

The earth would be too cold for life. Greenhouse gases have been essential for life on this planet, and have kept Earth warm for millions of years.

How are greenhouses gases helpful?

Greenhouse gases are helpful because they trap heat in Earth's atmosphere, which keeps the planet warm enough to support life. Without greenhouse gases, Earth would be too cold for humans, plants, and animals to survive. However, an overabundance of greenhouse gases can lead to climate change and negative impacts on ecosystems.

How does greenhouses gases affect Earth by?

trapping heat from sunlight reflected by Earth.

Why are greenhouse designed?

Greenhouses are designed to control the environment for plant growth by trapping heat and allowing sunlight in. This creates a warm and stable environment that is ideal for growing plants, extending the growing season, and protecting plants from harsh weather conditions. Greenhouses also help to regulate humidity and provide protection from pests and diseases.

Does the sun keep the earth warm?

The sun warms the earth. The heat (energy) from the earth then heats the air.

How does snow keep the earth warm?

The snow creates a thick layer in which traps the heat inside the earth.

What is the meaning of Greenhouse in 'greenhouse effect'?

In the context of the greenhouse effect, a greenhouse refers to the Earth's atmosphere, which acts like the glass walls of a greenhouse by trapping heat from the sun. This trapped heat keeps Earth's surface warm enough to support life.