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Q: How does energy of particles in a certain amount of liquid copper compare to the Energy of the molecules in the same amount of liquid water?
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How does the energy of the particles in a certain amount of liquid copper compare to the energy of the molecules in the same amount of liquid water?

The energy of particles in liquid copper is higher than that in liquid water due to the differences in their atomic structures. Copper, being a metal, has loosely bound electrons that contribute to higher energy levels compared to water molecules, which are composed of covalently bonded hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Therefore, the average kinetic energy of particles in liquid copper is greater than that in liquid water.

The thermal energy of an object is created by the?

Movement of particles

How does the energy in particles help to dissolve the solvent?

The energy in particles (like molecules or ions) helps to dissolve the solvent by breaking the intermolecular forces holding the solvent molecules together. When particles with sufficient energy collide with the solvent molecules, they can overcome the solvent-solvent interactions, allowing the solute particles to intermingle and disperse within the solvent.

What happens to the particles when matter gets hotter?

The particles move faster. Thermal energy is a measure of kinetic energy of molecules.

How does a thermometer help when comparing the energies of particles?

A thermometer helps to compare the energies of particles by measuring the average kinetic energy of the particles. As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the particles also increases. By measuring the temperature using a thermometer, one can indirectly compare the energies of particles in a substance.

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How does the energy of the energy of the particles in a certain amount of liquid copper compare to the energy of the molecules in the same amount of liquid water why?

The energy of particles in liquid copper is generally higher than the energy of molecules in liquid water because the metallic bonding in copper leads to stronger forces between the particles. These stronger forces result in higher energy required to break the bonds between the particles in copper compared to the weaker intermolecular forces in water.

The thermal energy of an object is created by the?

Movement of particles

What is particle energy?

It is the energy that affects motion of particles, which are atoms and molecules.

What happens to particles at the molecular level when water freezes?

When water freezes, the water molecules slow down and come closer together, forming a crystalline structure. This results in the formation of ice, where water molecules are arranged in a regular pattern with each molecule bonded to four others through hydrogen bonds.

What happens to the particles when matter gets hotter?

The particles move faster. Thermal energy is a measure of kinetic energy of molecules.

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of what?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. This kinetic energy is directly related to the speed at which the particles are moving.

What is the energy of atoms and molecules in an object due to their motion?

The energy of atoms and molecules in an object due to their motion is called kinetic energy. This energy is a result of the random motion of particles within the object. The temperature of an object is a measure of the average kinetic energy of its constituent particles.

Compare to a cold fluid how would the particles in a hot fluid be moving?

Faster. This assumes the same type of atoms or molecules.

What is the energy related to the movement molecules?

The energy related to the movement of molecules is called kinetic energy. This energy is a result of the motion of particles and is dependent on their mass and velocity. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance.

What type of kinetic energy involves the movement of molecules and atoms?

Thermal energy involves the movement of molecules and atoms. It is the energy of particles in a substance due to their random motion.

What causes liquid to freeze kinetic energy?

When a liquid is cooled, the kinetic energy of its particles decreases. At a certain temperature, the average kinetic energy becomes low enough for the particles to slow down and form a ordered structure, transitioning from a liquid to a solid state due to the attractive forces between them.

Particles in a liquid have less energy than particles in a. water b. a computer c. ice d. a gas?

In terms of kinectic energy molecules in soilid will have least energy. Molecules in lquid have less energy than in gases. Molecules in gaseous state have maximum energy. Entropy of a substance increases from solid to liquid to gas.