Humans use chemical energy from food substances to convet it into mechanical energy, which is the movement of the body. Energy is the amount of work you do and is measured in joules, J. I hope this helps:)
The human body obtains energy from the food we eat, which is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through cellular respiration. ATP provides the energy needed for various bodily functions such as movement, growth, and metabolism. Additionally, the body can store excess energy in the form of glycogen and fat for later use.
It helps to develop the human body
The human body converts food energy into work, thermal energy or chemical energy that is stored in fatty tissue.
its food
in the brain so u have energy in your body
The Body Works exhibit is one of the most popular traveling exhibits in the world. It shows the parts of the human body by using actual human bodies.
It helps to develop the human body
The brain is the organ in the human body that uses the most energy.
The energy in a human body is derived from the food we consume, which is converted into energy through a process called metabolism. This energy is used by the body to fuel various bodily functions, such as breathing, digestion, and movement. The unit typically used to measure energy in the body is the calorie.
Human anatomy
The human body converts food energy into work, thermal energy or chemical energy that is stored in fatty tissue.
by doing works or tasks it is using energy by moving your body exercise works
Thyroid gland determines the rate at which human body utilizes energy.
Protein provides 4 calories of energy per gram in the human body.
This can't be answered in a short sentence or paragraph. The human body has lots of different components and systems, each of which contribute to the body as a whole, and each of which works differently.
To attain energy in the human body.
To do work ,which is the movement of your body