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The Earth climate changes every year due to increased human activity on it. The green house gases too are largely responsible for climate change every year.

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Q: How does earth climate change every year?
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Why do we have different seasons?

as the earth rotates the climate and temprature changes. the sun rotates and the seasons change. then every year the earth completes a revolution and then you have winter/summer again....*.*.*.* LoLa*.*.*.*-it is also because the earthes axiz is on a tilt. if the earth was just all strayt up, we wudnt have seesons.

Where is the Climate Change Conference held?

The Climate Change Conference is held every year and usually in a different place. In 2012 it was in Doha in Qatar. In 2011 it was in Durban in South Africa.

Describe cyclical climate change?

Cyclical climate change refers to recurring patterns of climate variations that take place over long periods of time, typically ranging from several decades to millions of years. These cycles are influenced by natural factors such as changes in Earth's orbit, solar radiation, and volcanic activity. Examples of cyclical climate change include the ice ages and interglacial periods that have occurred throughout Earth's history.

Is climate change wreaking devastation on earth?

The earth has survived for millions of year through fluctuations of heat, cold, severe weather etc.

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The surface of the ocean absorbs about 2.6 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere every year. This process helps to regulate the Earth's carbon cycle and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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The moon gets closer and further to the earth during it's orbit, throughout the month. It is also slowly moving away from the earth by a few cm every year.

Is the Earth's tilt and revolution the reason for the changes in the Earth's climate every year?

Yes, Earth's tilt and revolution around the sun are key factors in the changing of seasons, which in turn affects the climate throughout the year. The tilt causes different parts of the planet to receive varying amounts of sunlight, leading to seasonal changes in temperature and weather patterns.

How do astronomers determine the precession of the earth?

By finding a constant, continuous change in the coordinates of stars every year.

Explain the difference in the earths climate change when the earths orbit changes from elliptical to circular?

Earth's eccentricity Eccentricity is defined as the difference in shape between an ellipse and a perfect circle. In a similar fashion to Earth's obliquity, the more uniform Earth's orbit is (more like a perfect circle), the less difference there is in climate change throughout the year.

Does arid climate vary every year?

yes it does

When does Earth Hour take place?

Earth Hour takes place on the last Saturday of March each year, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time. During this hour, individuals and communities are encouraged to turn off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances to raise awareness about climate change and the importance of energy conservation.

What is one change you would you would see on earth if its was not titled?

There wouldn't be any seasons. The climate at any place would be the same all year around.