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Q: How does diversity contribute unity?
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Can you get A slogan on unity in diversity?

the slogan is unity in diversity

What is the claim of fact of unity in diversity?

Unity in diversity is used as an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or

What country has the motto Unity in diversity?

Indonesia's motto is Unity in Diversity.

Who coined the term Unity In Diversity?

The term "Unity in Diversity" is believed to have its origins in Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," which dates back to the 14th century. The phrase represents the idea that despite diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, unity can be achieved through tolerance and acceptance.

What is the importance of the nation unity in the protection of peaceindependencesovereignty and integrity of a nation?

Diversity is our identity and the unity in diversity is our speciality.

Slogans on unity in diversity in India?

one stick breaks itself, many break others

Unity in diversity?

The phrase "unity in diversity" refers to a togetherness in being different and diverse. The phrase "diversity in unity" refers to being different, yet still united together.

How is the unity and diversity in the living world represented?

Unity in the living world is represented through the presence of cellular structure, similar genetic codes, and universal metabolic processes among all living organisms. Diversity is reflected through the vast array of species with unique adaptations, behaviors, and environments that contribute to the richness of life on Earth. Both unity and diversity are fundamental aspects of the interconnectedness and complexity of the living world.

How does diversity contribute to unity in Thailand?

Thailand does not focus on multiculturalism and never has. Instead, the policies of the government are those of assimilation. As a result, even though Thailand is a diverse nation, it is perceived both nationally and internationally as Southeast Asia's most ethnically homogeneous nation, with diversity contributing to the nation's unity.

What is the molecule that's responsible for unity and diversity of life?

DNA is the molecule that is responsible for unity and diversity of life .

How did imperialism contribute to unity in the growth of nationalism in India?

How did Imperialism contribute to unity and the growth of nationalism in India? How did imperialism contribute to unity and the growth of nationalism in india?

Who said in India there is unity in diversity and diversity in university?

all the indians