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6mo ago

CO2 enters the chloroplast through small pores called stomata on the leaves. Water is absorbed by the roots, transported through the plant's vascular system, and reaches the chloroplasts through specialized structures called xylem vessels.

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Q: How does co2 and water get to the chloroplasts?
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What are the reactants in chloroplasts?

There are two mainly. They are CO2 and water

What does photosynthesis requires?

Light, Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Chlorophyll

Does chloroplasts utilize oxygen?

No,they do not utilize O2.They utilize CO2.

What plant uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide?

Only those plants having photosynthetic apparatus (chloroplasts) can use sunlight to convert water and CO2 into carbohydrates.

What is chloroplasts equation?

Chloroplasts do not have an equation, as they are organelles found in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, chloroplasts convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen, utilizing the energy from sunlight to produce food for the plant.

What do chloroplasts convert?

Chloroplasts convert sunlight into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. This energy is used to produce glucose, which serves as a source of energy for the plant.

What organelles take up CO2 and give off O2 in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for taking up CO2 and producing O2 in plant cells through the process of photosynthesis. Within the chloroplasts, the green pigment chlorophyll absorbs light energy to drive this reaction.

Do water production take place in chloroplasts?

No water is not produced. Water is utilized in chloroplasts

How do plants remove carbon dioxide from their cells?

As CO2 is absorbed by compounds like ribulose1,5-diphosphate (present in the grana of chloroplasts) to form phosphogyceric acid, during photosynthesis more molecules of CO2 move towards the chloroplasts by diffusion. Thus CO2 is removed by plant cells by its utilization.

Where does the conversion of CO2 to glucose occur in?

The conversion of CO2 to glucose occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells during the process of photosynthesis. This complex biochemical process involves capturing sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What do chloroplast need to perform photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts need light energy, water, and carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis. Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll to drive the chemical reactions that convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

Do chloroplasts convert sunlight into glucose?

They convert CO2 and H2O into glucose.Energy of sunlight is used.