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cells work together to make the body functional

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2mo ago

Cellular communication involves sending and receiving signals between cells through chemical or electrical means. Cells can release signaling molecules (such as hormones or neurotransmitters) that bind to receptors on other cells, triggering a response. This process allows cells to coordinate activities, regulate physiological functions, and maintain homeostasis in the body.

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11y ago

Cells, in general, work alone in their daily processes. But occasionally, two or more cells will work together to accomplish a greater task. This process is called "cell communication".

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11y ago

Cellular communication is simply radio communication, but divided into geographic areas or cells. When a call is relayed, it bounces from cell to cell, from origin to destination.

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9y ago

we speak into it.

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Q: How does cellular communication work?
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What do the nucleus er ribosomes Golgi apparatus and vesicles work together to do?

The nucleus contains DNA and controls cellular activities. Ribosomes synthesize proteins based on instructions from the nucleus. The Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins into vesicles for transport within and outside the cell, allowing for proper cellular function and communication.

What is cellular mean?

"Cellular" refers to something related to cells, which are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms. This term can be used in various contexts, such as cellular biology, cellular communication, or cellular technology in telecommunications.

Two primary agents of cellular communication are?

Two primary agents of cellular communication are hormones, which are secreted by endocrine glands and travel through the bloodstream to target cells, and neurotransmitters, which are released by neurons in the nervous system to communicate with other neurons or muscle cells.

Most cellular work is accomplished by energizing molecules by them?

Most cellular work is accomplished by using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as the primary energy source. ATP is synthesized during cellular respiration and stores energy in its phosphate bonds, which can be broken to release energy for cellular processes. The hydrolysis of ATP releases this energy, providing it to molecules to drive cellular work.

What is the outcome if ATP hydrolysis is not coupled to cellular work?

If ATP hydrolysis is not coupled to cellular work, the energy released from hydrolysis cannot be used to drive essential cellular processes such as active transport, muscle contraction, or biosynthesis. This can lead to a lack of energy for vital cellular functions and ultimately result in cell dysfunction or death.

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Enhance cellular communication passage for nervous stimulation during muscle contraction.

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A cellular device

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A communication network is a collection of communication devices. They may be connected wirelessly or by wire. Examples include - A Ham Radio Net, A military radio net, or a family radio net, Cellular Telephones, Telephones, etc.

What do the nucleus er ribosomes Golgi apparatus and vesicles work together to do?

The nucleus contains DNA and controls cellular activities. Ribosomes synthesize proteins based on instructions from the nucleus. The Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins into vesicles for transport within and outside the cell, allowing for proper cellular function and communication.

The maintenance of homeostasis in the body is most directly related to?

Cellular communication

What is the definition for cellular communication?

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What are some wireless communication systems?

Wireless communication systems include pagers, cellular phones, personal communications systems

What happens if receptors do not work?

If receptors do not work properly, they may not respond to specific ligands or signals correctly, leading to deficiencies in cellular communication and physiological processes. This can result in a wide range of health issues depending on the specific receptors affected, such as impaired sensory perception, hormone imbalances, or disruptions in cellular signaling pathways.