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Do not use butter to put out a fire, any fire, ever. Butter will add fuel to any fire.

If you are near butter, you should be near salt. Salt will put out a small fire.

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1w ago

Butter can put out a fire by cutting off the oxygen supply to the flames. When spread over a small pan fire, the butter forms a barrier on the surface, preventing oxygen from reaching the fire and helping to extinguish it. However, it is not recommended to use butter to put out a fire as it can create a mess, produce smoke, and even spread the fire further in some cases.

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How do you melt butter faster?

The only way to melt butter for a very long time was to fire up the stove top and put a pot on medium to low heat with butter in it. However, that isn't necessary in the day of microwaves. Just put the desired amount in a microwave-safe container and 30 seconds to a minute should be plenty. Start with 15 second intervals. If you get the butter mostly melted, it will continue melting the rest. Hint: Keep a close eye on the microwave while the butter is melting. The splatter that overheated butter can make is amazing.

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