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Whenever a fossil fuel like wood, coal, oil or natural gas is burnt it releases carbon dioxide that has been stored in the fuel for millions of years. This carbon dioxide adds to the greenhouse gases in the environment that are contributing to global warming.

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because trees help in maintaining a balance of Co2 & O2 in the atmosphere.

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Q: How does burning and the loss if trees can lead to global warming?
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How does logging and cutting down trees affect global warming in Los Angeles?

Logging and cutting down trees in Los Angeles can contribute to global warming by reducing the city's carbon sink capacity. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, so fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. Additionally, deforestation can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions if the trees are burned or decompose, releasing stored carbon back into the atmosphere.

Is both global environment and global warming is same?

Not quite, though they are very closely connected. Global warming is the warming of the earth. This is causing climate change, which is the many different changes in climate that are beginning to happen.

Permanent deforestation can contribute to potential global warming by?

Permanent deforestation can contribute to global warming by reducing the ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This can lead to an increase in greenhouse gases, trapping heat and contributing to the greenhouse effect, which can result in global warming. Additionally, deforestation can disrupt local and regional climate patterns, further exacerbating the impact of global warming.

How does Diwali increase global warming?

Diwali celebrations can contribute to global warming through the use of fireworks, which release pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The increased burning of firecrackers during Diwali can lead to air pollution, including particulate matter and harmful chemicals, which can have a negative impact on air quality and ultimately exacerbate global warming.

Does gravity affect global warming?

Gravity does not directly affect global warming. Global warming is primarily caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat and lead to a rise in global temperatures. Gravity is a fundamental force that affects the movement and distribution of substances on Earth, but it does not have a direct impact on the underlying causes of global warming.

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How increasing demand of houses affecting environment leading to global warming?

Increasing demand of houses lead to global warming that is cutting down the trees , which is the main source of rain . which causes " GLOBAL WARMING ".

If global warming affects the hole in the ozone layer what would happen?

If global warming affects the ozone hole, the UV will come in. This will lead to more global warming.

How does logging and cutting down trees affect global warming in Los Angeles?

Logging and cutting down trees in Los Angeles can contribute to global warming by reducing the city's carbon sink capacity. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, so fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is being removed from the atmosphere. Additionally, deforestation can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions if the trees are burned or decompose, releasing stored carbon back into the atmosphere.

Does global warming lead to holes in the ozone layert?

Yes, Global warming leads to ozone layer depletion. These two phenomenon are interconnected.

Is both global environment and global warming is same?

Not quite, though they are very closely connected. Global warming is the warming of the earth. This is causing climate change, which is the many different changes in climate that are beginning to happen.

What does the destruction of the rain forest lead to?

Ozone depletion

Permanent deforestation can contribute to potential global warming by?

Permanent deforestation can contribute to global warming by reducing the ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. This can lead to an increase in greenhouse gases, trapping heat and contributing to the greenhouse effect, which can result in global warming. Additionally, deforestation can disrupt local and regional climate patterns, further exacerbating the impact of global warming.

How does Diwali increase global warming?

Diwali celebrations can contribute to global warming through the use of fireworks, which release pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The increased burning of firecrackers during Diwali can lead to air pollution, including particulate matter and harmful chemicals, which can have a negative impact on air quality and ultimately exacerbate global warming.

Where would global warming lead us if you did not take neccossery steps to prevent it?

It would eventually lead to extinction. It is because global warming can cause other problems like ozone depletion too.

Does gravity affect global warming?

Gravity does not directly affect global warming. Global warming is primarily caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat and lead to a rise in global temperatures. Gravity is a fundamental force that affects the movement and distribution of substances on Earth, but it does not have a direct impact on the underlying causes of global warming.

How do the lack of trees contribute to global warming?

Trees help to reduce global warming by 'cleaning the air'. Here's how: * A gas that helps to cause global warming is carbon dioxide. * Trees 'breathe' just like we do except when they breathe they take in carbon dioxide not oxygen. * When a tree breathes out it breathes out oxygen. * This is then breathed in by a human. * Carbon dioxide is breathed out the the human... * ...and breathed in by the tree... * This carries on continuously. Some trees have been growing in tropical rainforests like the Amazon Basin for hundreds of years. They store almost half their weight in carbon. So trees help reduce global warming in a way, but with people producing so much extra carbon dioxide global warming is happening. Trees probably have other effects on the environment and global warming, but I only know what is above. Hope it helps :) Yes, living trees breathe in carbon dioxide. But when they die, they ROT, and when they rot, all the carbon they stored over the years will be oxidized and released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Well, not ALL of the carbon. Some part of it will be transferred to the soil. But in places like the Amazon Rain Forest, the soil is too thin to hold much carbon, so very little goes into the soil and what little does is rapidly released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. On the other hand, if, instead of allowing trees to die and rot, we were to HARVEST the trees, turn them into lumber, and treat them to prevent rot, the carbon therein would be sequestered (prevented from oxidizing into the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) almost indefinitely.

How can green house effect lead to rise seas levels?

Global Warming!