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Bacteria are one of the many harmful germs throughout the body and in the environment. Germs and bacteria are almost everywhere in the world. Bacteria gets into the body when there is an open wound or an open patch of skin. When a knee is scraped and a person has an open wound, it gives bacteria a chance to come directly into the body.

Hope this helps!

Bacteria can also enter the body if you have food poisoning. This occurs if you do not cook the meat properly. To prevent this you must make sure that you keep your raw meats away from your cooked meats, make sure that the meat is cooked thoroughly. Also you have to make sure that you wash your hands before you bake, cook or do anything with food.

Improved by Jamie Oliver


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14y ago
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1mo ago

Bacteria can enter our body through various ways such as through the air we breathe, contaminated food or water we consume, surfaces we touch, and even through insect bites. Once inside, they can multiply and cause infections if our immune system is unable to fight them off effectively.

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13y ago

Eat some yogurt or cheese. It already has live bacteria in it. You also already have bacteria in your body because they live in your intestines and help you digest food.they are also in the air you breathe. not all bacteria is harmless.

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11y ago

Bacteria can get into your body when you are urinating, the reason for this is because when you urinate the odour is let out which mixes in with the air so when you breathe in and out the conjeration of this act will inform with your lungs making your body interact with the bacteria. Another way is the hemogab of your nervous system, this is when you have a broken skin, the colognage of your skin interacts with the white blood cells which pulls in the vein, this is what makes your skin burn when you have a slight cut. Lastly the decoy of heart can have a negative force of jubernate which makes bacteria forcefully enter your body, to avoid this you can try excercising every morning when you wake up because this can lead to death! Happy to help guys :D xxx

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14y ago

Bacteria are able to enter us in several ways. The most common way that bacteria get within us is either through breathing or eating. Millions of bacterial cells live in our noses/throats and throughout our digestive system (this doesn't include the ones that are living on our skin!).

When we get a cut, our most basic form of defense against bacteria (the equivalent of a castle wall) is compromised. The bacteria are able to get into the cut. Given the right series of events and conditions, the bacteria are able to defeat our immune systems are colonize the inside of our bodies. In addition to this, many bacteria contain mechanisms which encourage our our cells to absorb/eat them. The bacteria which do this often have ways to avoid dying within the cells that ate them.

This topic is pretty massive, but the simple answer is via cuts.

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12y ago

your body tries to fight it off but sometimes it does not work and you get sick

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12y ago

Through orphices

From your nose and mouth :)

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11y ago

by not washing our hands

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14y ago

they are oto matic

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Q: How does bacteria get into our body?
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What is the weight of bacteria in human body?

The weight of bacteria in human body is estimated to be 1 to 2 percent of the entire body mass. Bacteria is useful and can be harmful to the body.

Is it true every kind of bacteria that is in your body is bad and causes disease?

No, not all bacteria in your body are bad. In fact, your body hosts many types of beneficial bacteria that help with digestion, boost your immune system, and protect against harmful bacteria. It's all about maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in your body.

What temperature can bacteria rest in?

Depends on the bacteria, most bacteria in our body is ok at 98.6 degrees. so by the body elevating our temps with fever we try to kill the bacteria.

How bacteria makes you sick?

Bacteria can make you sick by entering your body and "attacking" you. In response, your body heats up in attempt to "fry" the bacteria.

What is the medical term meaning foreign body bacteria or virus?

A pathogen is a foreign body, bacteria, or virus.

Is bacteria inside a person's body an organism of the same species?

No, bacteria are separate organisms from the body, and there are many different species of bacteria living in humans.

Why do you have bacteria?

You have bacteria in your body because they fight off illnesses.

Is there good bacteria inside your body?

Yes, one example of good bacteria in your body is the bacteria in your digestive system that helps break down the food that you eat.

What lives on your body?


Where would you find friendly bacteria?

You can find bacteria on your skin, in your digestive tract, in your throat, and in every other part of your body, but it is the bacteria in your intestines that we are concerned with here. It is generally believed that having bacteria in your body is harmful to you and that it will cause you to become ill, but this is not so. The truth is, your body needs bacteria in order to survive.

What are the uses of bacteria?

your body has bacteria in it naturally for good reasons. They are mainly found in the digestive tract and are used to help your body digest the nutrients in your body.

What part of the body does bacteria affect?

Bacteria can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, respiratory system, digestive tract, urinary tract, and reproductive organs. The specific effects of bacteria depend on the type of bacteria and the individual's immune response.