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An increase in confining pressure typically raises a rock's melting temperature because the increased pressure inhibits the formation of liquid magma. This is due to the fact that higher pressure requires higher temperatures to overcome the forces holding the rock together in a solid state.

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Q: How does an increase in confining affect a rocks melting temperature?
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Which two factors affect the temperature that rocks melt at?

The two main factors that affect the temperature at which rocks melt are the composition of the rock and the pressure acting on it. Different minerals have different melting points, so the composition of the rock will determine its melting temperature. Additionally, pressure can increase or decrease the melting temperature of rocks, with higher pressure generally increasing melting temperature and lower pressure decreasing it.

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Water reduces the melting point of rock.

How does water affect the melting temperature of rock?

In theory yes: increasing pressure will increase the melting point mostly (not for ice!). In practice: it is hardly noticable, not significant at all, for most solid materials.Pressure increases the melting point of rock. The molecules are packed tighter together and thus take more energy to liquefy.

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Decreasing pressure lowers the melting point of rocks because it reduces the confining pressure that keeps the rock in a solid state. As pressure decreases, the rock requires less energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding its crystal lattice together, allowing it to melt at a lower temperature.

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The presence of water lowers the solidus temperature of rocks at a given pressure. It drastically changes the melting temperature by a vast amount.

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An increase in temperature will cause an increase in volume, while a decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in volume.

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Some medication may affect body temperature. It can increase or decrease body temperature. I.e. tylenol may decrease temperature if you have fever. Some stimulant may increase temperature when used, etc.

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