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it helps balance out the way of life in an ecosystem.

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When an animal eats a dead animal, it helps recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. This process helps maintain the balance of nutrients in the environment and provides food for scavengers and decomposers. Additionally, it helps prevent the spread of diseases by removing carcasses.

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Q: How does an animal eat another dead animal help an ecosystem?
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How do decompoers help the sol in an ecosystem?

it helps because it decomposes the dead animals or else we would have dead animals everywhere

What do scavengers do in the ecosystem?

Scavengers are an important part of the ecosystem as they feed on dead organisms and recycle nutrients back into the environment. They help to clean up decaying matter, which plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by preventing the spread of disease and returning essential nutrients back to the soil.

Would you expect to find scavengers and decomposers in a park ecosystem. Why or why not?

Yes, scavengers and decomposers are crucial components of a park ecosystem as they help break down organic matter, recycle nutrients, and clean up the environment by consuming dead plant and animal material. Their presence supports the ecosystem's balance and health by ensuring that nutrients are recycled efficiently.

In biology what is prey?

Prey refers to an organism that is hunted and consumed by another organism known as a predator. Prey can be any living organism, such as animals, insects, or plants, that serves as a food source for predators in an ecosystem. Adaptations developed by prey species help them avoid or defend against predation.

What is one way bacteria helps the environment?

Bacteria help the environment by breaking down organic matter like dead plants and animals, which helps to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. This process, known as decomposition, is essential for maintaining soil fertility and overall ecosystem health.

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Why is fungi important in an ecosystem?

fungi is important because it can help to decompose any animal or dead things.

How do decomposers help ecosystems?

Decomposers break down dead organisms and waste material, releasing nutrients back into the ecosystem. By doing so, they help recycle nutrients and make them available for new plant growth. This process also helps maintain a balanced ecosystem by preventing the accumulation of dead organic matter.

What does scavenger mean?

A scavenger is an animal that eats already dead animals. They are a big help to the ecosystem because they are getting rid of animal remains.

How do decompoers help the sol in an ecosystem?

it helps because it decomposes the dead animals or else we would have dead animals everywhere

Why are decompose-rs important to the ecosystem?

they help the ecosystem because they eat dead or decaying organisms to reproduce more....hense the circle of life.

What do scavengers do in the ecosystem?

Scavengers are an important part of the ecosystem as they feed on dead organisms and recycle nutrients back into the environment. They help to clean up decaying matter, which plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by preventing the spread of disease and returning essential nutrients back to the soil.

Can earthworms be harmless to the ecosystem?

Yes, earthworms are beneficial to the ecosystem as they help to improve soil fertility by breaking down organic matter and improving soil structure. They also play a key role in nutrient cycling and can increase plant diversity in ecosystems.

How does mushrooms help your ecosystem?

Mushrooms play a vital role in the ecosystem as they help decompose organic matter, recycling nutrients back into the soil. They form mutually beneficial relationships with plants, providing them with nutrients and enhancing their ability to absorb water and defend against pathogens. Additionally, some mushrooms can act as bioindicators, reflecting the health of the environment based on their presence or absence.

Would you expect to find scavengers and decomposers in a park ecostytem?

Yes scavengers and decomposers play important roles in a park ecosystem. Scavengers are animals that feed on the remains of other organisms, and decomposers are organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter and convert it into simpler substances that can be recycled back into the ecosystem. Both scavengers and decomposers help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem, and they are an important part of the food chain. In a park ecosystem, you might find scavengers such as vultures, crows, and beetles, and decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms.omposers play important roles in a park ecosystem. Scavengers are animals that feed on the remains of other organisms, and decomposers are organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter and convert it into simpler substances that can be recycled back into the ecosystem. Both scavengers and decomposers help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem, and they are an important part of the food chain. In a park ecosystem, you might find scavengers such as vultures, crows, and beetles, and decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms. Would you expect to find scavengers and decomposers in a park ecostytem?Yes scavengers and decomposers play important roles in a park ecosystem. Scavengers are animals that feed on the remains of other organisms, and decomposers are organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter and convert it into simpler substances that can be recycled back into the ecosystem. Both scavengers and decomposers help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem, and they are an important part of the food chain. In a park ecosystem, you might find scavengers such as vultures, crows, and beetles, and decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms. Yes scavengers and decomposers play important roles in a park ecosystem. Scavengers are animals that feed on the remains of other organisms, and decomposers are organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter and convert it into simpler substances that can be recycled back into the ecosystem. Both scavengers and decomposers help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem, and they are an important part of the food chain. In a park ecosystem, you might find scavengers such as vultures, crows, and beetles, and decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms.Yes scavengers and decomposers play important roles in a park ecosystem. Scavengers are animals that feed on the remains of other organisms, and decomposers are organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter and convert it into simpler substances that can be recycled back into the ecosystem. Both scavengers and decomposers help to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem, and they are an important part of the food chain. In a park ecosystem, you might find scavengers such as vultures, crows, and beetles, and decomposers such as bacteria, fungi, and worms.

What role do scavengers play in ecosystems?

Scavengers eat only dead animals and it help our ecosystem, environment stay clean.

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They help the ecosystem with there poo

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