

How does an Amoeba Excrete?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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14y ago

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Excytosis is when a cell "throws up" something. So if the amoeba has endocytosed something and digested it the next step would be to get rid of the waste parts by causing the vesscle (think of a balloon full of the waste) to dock with the cell membrane and eject the waste into the environment

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11y ago
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1mo ago

Amoebas excrete waste through a process called exocytosis. Waste materials are packaged into vesicles within the cell and then expelled through the cell membrane. This helps maintain a balance of nutrients and waste products within the cell.

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11y ago

Amoeba is a single celled organism. So it does not have any special organ for intake of food. It extends its cell membrane to form pseudopodia and captures the food. This forms a food vacuole.Digestive enzymes are secreted to digest the food. The waste thus formed has to be excreted. This also happens in the simmilar manner. The cell membrane contracts and the food is ejected out.

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12y ago

it leaves behind the undigested part and moves away using pseudopodia.

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14y ago

an amoeba excretes through the general body surface

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14y ago

an amoeba excretes through its contractile vacuoles. all the material to be excreted is brought to the contractile vacuole and from there its pumped out of the organism

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