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Q: How does age effect CO2 feedback mechanism?
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Does the pulfrich effect change with age?

The Pulfrich effect is caused by a delay in visual processing in one eye, so it can affect individuals of any age. However, response times in detecting the effect may vary among different age groups due to changes in visual processing speed and cognitive abilities.

Are human farts detrimental to the 'greehouse' effect?

No. The process of farting is age old and it has nothing to do with green house effect. (Even if is so, you do not have an option of stopping the process of farting.)

Why does the addition of carbon dioxide cause the atmospheric CO2 concentration to remain increased for hundreds to thousand of years?

Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. When excess CO2 is released into the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming. Additionally, part of the excess CO2 is absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, which slows the overall removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. This combination of factors leads to a prolonged increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

What are the two largest greenhouse gasses?

In every measurable way the two that have the most affect on the natural greenhouse effect are water vapor (up to 75%) and Carbon Dioxide (5 to 25%).Both are naturally occurring, yet man is producing ever larger portions of CO2. We are currently producing around 3% of all annually produced CO2.A:Referring to the accelerated greenhouse effect we are now experiencing:Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the greenhouse gas responsible for the accelerated greenhouse effect, added by humans burning fossil fuels. CO2 is having the largest effect on the recent increases in global temperature.The other powerful greenhouse gas is methane (CH5) which is produced by cattle, animal manure and is released from melting tundra and lake beds. It is 21 times more powerful than CO2.

What is the Differences between global warming and green house effect?

Global Warming is the result of greenhouse effect.Gases like Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CFC, etc. known as greenhouse gases create a layer around the atmosphere which trap the sunlight inside.This is known as greenhouse effect. Actually, greenhouse effect is favourable to earth as it maintains the temperature of earth. Without it our earth would have gone back to ICE AGE. But due to large emissions of greenhouse gases its adverse effect i.e. Global Warning has started. A thick layer of greenhouse gases is increasing earth's temperature and causing the polar ice to melt and increase the sea level which is known as GLOBAL WARNING.

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Methane gas likely played a role in warming the Earth after the last ice age by contributing to the greenhouse effect. However, it was not the sole factor responsible for the end of the ice age. Other factors such as changes in Earth's orbit, solar radiation, and feedback mechanisms likely also played significant roles.

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No but the age of the hen does?

What factors contribute to the greenhouse effect?

The burning of carbon based fuels causes CO2 gas to build up in our atmosphere, normally plants take in the CO2, using the carbon portion in photosynthesis and releasing O2 which we breathe in and expel CO2 ourselves, before the industrial age and the burning of fuels there was an atmospheric balance, but since the start of burning coal, petroleum and gases we have been pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere which is causing solar rays to get trapped. This is causing an increase in global temperature.

What is the effect of total war?

Prior to the atomic age (1945) the effect was total victory. In the atomic age (today) the effect would be mutually assured destruction.

How does size or age effect punting a football?

it depends on strength. and sometimes body size and age effect yourstrength. but not always.

Does age people effect if you run faster?

No age people don't effect if you run faster depending on how many patience you have with them.

What was an effect of the ice age?

It was cold

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It was cold

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Teen age mothers.

What would your age be if you were on Pluto?

Where you are has no effect on your age. If you were on Pluto you would be the same age as if you had stayed on earth.