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Non-specificity, pollution and residue describe why fertilizers and insecticides are harmful to ecosystems. Fertilizers and, unless they are target-specific, insecticides can impact any environment, plant, soil, soil and water food web and water in the immediate area. They remain in the soil and on the surface briefly or lengthily, during either of which their impact spreads with human, pet, water, weather or wind dispersals.

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The fertilizer gets carried into your local water supply.

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They go into the water and kill seafood.

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Q: How does adding fertilizer to an ecosystem cause damage to it?
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IF fertilizers cause environmental damage and are expensive why do farmer use them?

They provide increased yield on the fields where they are used - more than enough to compensate for the cost of the fertilizer. The environmental damage occurs downstream from the farms from the effects of the fertilizer in the runoff water.

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Pollution can damage an ecosystem. Pollution can cause plants and other organisms to die, which will affect the circle of life in a particular ecosystem.

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Yes, adding brake fund to a P/S system can cause damage.

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Purchase kumquat plants from a reputable dealer and withhold fertilization for the first month, as the plants usually have a slowrelease fertilizer in the pot at purchase. Additional fertilizer would cause damage and burn. After than, any kind is fine.

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Ecosystem monitoring is a method used to check on the condition of an ecosystem by comparing the results of investigations done at different times. The information helps them reverse these changes or reduce the amount of damage humans cause.

Does the fertilizer that wilt the plant kill it?

If a fertilizer is applied incorrectly or in excessive amounts, it can potentially damage plant roots and lead to wilting. However, it is not typically the direct cause of killing the plant. Proper watering and monitoring of plant health are key in preventing damage from fertilizer application.

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Possibly. Only add sealant if it is called for by the manufacture.

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It can cause heavy damage to the animal's population,if poaching activity is constant,if not constant,it will still do some damage minor or not,not only that,If it has an important role in an ecosystem like keystone species( a specie of animals that does a huge role in the ecosystem) is removed,the entire ecosystem will absolutely change in every way the specie has done

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A tornado changes an ecosystem, but it recovers quickly because the area of damage is small. It damages trees and vegetation that animals need to survive. it can cause flooding and temporary loss of habitat.

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By adding various chemicals and stuff which can cause pollution to the sea can cause alot of damage to Coral Reefs as well as the aquatic animals.

Can fertilizer cause algae to grow?

Yes. Algae are plants. Fertilizer is plant food.