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Tt breathes or takes in CO2 through its leaves through photosynthesis during the day and takes out the carbon to make sugars for the plant to grow and expels oxygen as a by-product.

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Q: How does a tree take in carbon dioxcide and makes it into oxygen?
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Does photosynthesis remove oxygen from the air?

Well, yes and no. Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen during the day, however during the night it does the opposite, it takes in oxygen and releases CO2. This is why it is good to have plants in your house during the day but not in the night. Make sure you take it out of your rook so that you can have a better nights sleep.

Why is the Carbon-Oxygen cycle vaulable to the biotic community?

The Carbon-Oxygen cycle is valuable to the biotic community because it helps regulate the levels of carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere, which are essential for the survival of many organisms. Plants take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen, while animals and microorganisms release carbon dioxide during respiration. This cycle maintains the balance of gases necessary for life on Earth.

Plants take in and release oxygen gas?

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and water and convert them into glucose and oxygen. The oxygen produced during photosynthesis is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct. Additionally, plants also perform respiration, where they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, similar to animals.

What 2 gases are recycled by the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The two gases that are recycled by the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are oxygen and carbon dioxide. In photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, while during cellular respiration, organisms take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

What function do plant have in the forest in the carbon cycle?

They take it in as carbon dioxide and let our oxygen.

Related questions

Humans breathe in oxygen and release what kind of gas?

carbon dioxideNo.We breath in oxygen and breath out Carbon dioxcide.Now plants on the other hand, take in our waste, carbon dioxcide, and let out what we need, oxygen. thats why you may find the air fresher in a forest!

What gas do plants need for photosynthesis to take place?

The gas that plants need for photosynthesis is carbon dioxcide it is the only gas they take in.

How do water plants release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide?

They take away the oxygen and take in take in the carbon dioxide

Does Carbon take electrons from oxygen in carbon dioxide?

In a carbon dioxide molecule, carbon does not take electrons from oxygen. Instead, carbon shares electrons with oxygen through covalent bonds, forming a stable molecule.

Is this how you spell carbon dioxcide?

Close, but no, that is not correct.The correct spelling is carbon dioxide.Some example sentences are:Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.There is too much carbon dioxide in these air tanks.Carbon dioxide is one of the gasses in the atmosphere.

Do flowers take oxygen?

No, flowers do not take in oxygen. Like all plants, they undergo photosynthesis where they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, unlike animals that take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Does photosynthesis remove oxygen from the air?

Well, yes and no. Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen during the day, however during the night it does the opposite, it takes in oxygen and releases CO2. This is why it is good to have plants in your house during the day but not in the night. Make sure you take it out of your rook so that you can have a better nights sleep.

What do plants take in to release oxygen gas?

the take in carbon and they realease oxygen

What is the name of the process that will take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen?

oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle

Can you reuse oxygen?

Yes we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

Through oxygen cycle. Humans and animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This ways the oxygen is circulated in the atmosphere.

What is the oxygen carbon dioxide cycle?

The carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle is the cycle in which living things (such as plants and animals) take in "oxygen" and let out "carbon dioxide."