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At times it can brutally affect travelers in the day causing trauma and loss of sleep many learn to cope with it but others can be mentally injured for a few weeks.


According to recent studies, for each hour difference, it takes the body about a day to adjust. For instance, a trip across the US is a 3-zone difference, and will take about 3 days for the body's inner clock to re-set to the new time zone.

Factors affecting how well an individual recovers include how well-rested the person was before traveling, youth, individual temperament, and general health.

It is helpful to make a conscious effort to adjust sleep to local time:
  • Planning a light schedule the first day or two to allow for tiredness.
  • Taking an afternoon nap (if traveling eastward) will help to stay awake until a more locally-appropriate bedtime the first evening.
  • Taking B-complex vitamins in the morning (local time) and a melatonin pill at bedtime (local time) may also help reset your inner clock.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Time zones can affect travellers by causing jet lag when they rapidly move across different time zones. This can disrupt their sleep patterns and lead to fatigue and difficulty adjusting to the local time. It can also impact their schedules for activities, meals, and interactions with others.

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