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by dispersing it seeds around so the wind can carry it , also animals who eat the plant excrete (poo) the seeds out.

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Q: How does a plant use its surroundings to make sure that it can spread its seeds?
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Which action directly helps a plant make new seeds?

The action that directly helps a plant make new seeds is fertilization. Once these seeds have developed they will be dispersed.

What plant doesn't make seeds?

Ferns do not produce seeds. They reproduce through spores instead of seeds.

Do fruit make seeds?

Fruit don't exactly make seeds. I mean they do, but then they don't. It's in the matter of reproduction with a male plant and a female plant. A male plant has pollen that goes into a female plant, but a female plant already has seeds. They actually grow it. So you can say that they DO make SEEDS! :) -hope that helps!

How does a honeybee help a plant reproduce?

Honeybees are what is know as pollinators, when they fly by plants and suck the nectar the become covered in the plants pollen. When the go to the next plant the pollen is spread which will soon make plant seeds.

What plant does not make seeds?

Ferns and mosses do not produce seeds.

Does basil make seeds?

Yes, Basil does make seeds being an angiospermic plant.

What will the plant make if fertilization occurs?


Does a dicot plant make seeds?

Yes they do

Does dicot plant make seeds?

Yes they do

How much seeds can a plant make for ever?

Every plant is different.

What do seeds make?

If you plant them they make new plants. However some seeds can be ground up for food - for instance wheat seeds make flour.

How can you make another plant without seeds?

take a cutting from an existing plant and plant it.