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Q: How does a neuron propagate nerve signals along its axon and to other neurons?
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What is the neuron part that picks up signals from other neurons?

Dendrites are the neuron part that pick up signals from other neurons. They are branch-like structures that extend from the cell body and receive incoming signals in the form of neurotransmitters released by neighboring neurons. These signals are then integrated in the cell body and transmitted along the neuron for further processing.

In the nervours system where abouts are the electrical signals?

In the nervous system, electrical signals travel along specialized cells called neurons. These signals are generated in the cell body of the neuron and then travel along the axon, which is a long extension that transmits the signal to other neurons or to muscles or glands.

What substances carry a nerve impulse?

Nerve impulses are carried by electrical signals called action potentials. These signals are propagated along the axon of a neuron through changes in the flow of ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride.

What do axons and dendrites belong to?

Axons and dendrites belong to neurons, which are specialized cells of the nervous system responsible for transmitting electrical and chemical signals. Axons transmit signals away from the cell body, while dendrites receive signals from other neurons.

What part of the neuron would be responsible for notifying the brain that you had hurt yourself?

Sensory neurons, located in the peripheral nervous system, would be responsible for detecting pain signals and transmitting them to the brain for processing. These neurons have specialized receptors that respond to physical stimuli such as heat, pressure, or tissue damage and convert them into electrical signals that travel along the nerve fibers to the brain.

Related questions

What is the neuron part that picks up signals from other neurons?

Dendrites are the neuron part that pick up signals from other neurons. They are branch-like structures that extend from the cell body and receive incoming signals in the form of neurotransmitters released by neighboring neurons. These signals are then integrated in the cell body and transmitted along the neuron for further processing.

Communication within a neuron is electrical while communication between neurons is chemical.?

Yes, that's correct. Within a neuron, communication occurs through electrical signals that travel along the neuron's axon. When these signals reach the synapse (junction between neurons), they trigger the release of chemical neurotransmitters that carry the signal to the next neuron.

In the nervours system where abouts are the electrical signals?

In the nervous system, electrical signals travel along specialized cells called neurons. These signals are generated in the cell body of the neuron and then travel along the axon, which is a long extension that transmits the signal to other neurons or to muscles or glands.

What does each neuron do?

Sensory neurons carry signals from the receptors in our body (e.g. thermal, pressure etc.) to the relay neurons, which are found in our spinal cord. Relay neurons then send signals along the spinal cord to the brain. The brain then processes the information and sends a signal back down the spinal cord, through the relay neurons. Relay neurons then sends signals to motor neurons, which will then affect the muscles' movements.Read more: What_does_neuron_cells_do

What substances carry a nerve impulse?

Nerve impulses are carried by electrical signals called action potentials. These signals are propagated along the axon of a neuron through changes in the flow of ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride.

What region of a neuron would have significant numbers of voltage-gated ion channels?

These are found along the axon and at the synapse. Voltage-gated ion channels directionally propagate electrical signals in one direction.

Imagine two neurons one is wrapped with a myelin sheath and has a large diameter the second neuron has no myelin sheath and a narrow diameter which of these neurons conducts a nerve impulse more rap?

Neurons send their impulses up and down the spinal cord. The myelin sheath is the coating around the spinal cord that protects it, and works to better conduct the signals along the cord. A neuron that has no myelin sheath will have a harder time conducting signals than one that is covered by the sheath.

What is the name of a message sent along a nerve?

Neurons. There are 3 main types: Sensory neuron. Relay neuron and... Motor neuron. I hope this answered your question!

How does the nervous system send messages?

The nervous system sends messages through electrochemical signals. When a nerve cell (neuron) is stimulated, it generates an electrical impulse that travels along the neuron. At the end of the neuron, chemicals called neurotransmitters are released into the synapse, where they trigger a response in the next neuron in the circuit.

What do axons and dendrites belong to?

Axons and dendrites belong to neurons, which are specialized cells of the nervous system responsible for transmitting electrical and chemical signals. Axons transmit signals away from the cell body, while dendrites receive signals from other neurons.

What is axonal transmission?

Axonal transmission is the process by which electrical signals are transmitted along the axon of a neuron. It involves the propagation of action potentials, or electrical impulses, from the cell body of the neuron to the axon terminals where neurotransmitters are released. This process is essential for communication between neurons in the nervous system.

Is an inter neuron the same as an association neuron?

Yes, an interneuron and an association neuron refer to the same type of neuron. Interneurons are responsible for transmitting information between sensory neurons and motor neurons, or between other interneurons in the central nervous system. They play a crucial role in integrating and processing information within the nervous system.