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Hookies law applies to a great many materials including wood , glass and most metals provided elastic limit is not exceeded in each case.However, if the spring is replaced with a piece of wood or a steel bar, any extensions produced would be far too small to measure using the existing millimetre scale.

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A material that obeys Hooke's Law exhibits linear elasticity, meaning the deformation is directly proportional to the applied force. This behavior is reversible, so the material returns to its original shape once the force is removed. Stress and strain in the material are related by a constant called the modulus of elasticity.

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Q: How does a material behave if it obeys Hooke law?
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Materials that are said to be hookean?

A hookean material obeys Hooke's Law: stress is proportional to strain in a linear fashion and when stress is removed strain returns to zero. Most materials behave this way until yield is reached but before that are readily analyzed. Mathematically, where s is stress and e is strain and E the elastic modulus material constant, we have s = Ee

What is the benefits of knowing Young's Modulus for concrete?

Young's modulus describes the relationship between stress (sigma) and strain (epsilon) in a material that obeys Hooke's law. Concrete is such a material and knowing this property allows one to plan and design the use of concrete as a building material safely.

Does an extension spring behave according to Hooke's law?

Yes it does, unless you stretch it so much that it yields

How is hooke's law releted to torque wrench action?

Torque wrenches depend on a modern generalisation of Hooke's Law. The deformation of an elastic material (even the steel out of which parts of a torque wrench are made) is proportional to the stress to which it is subjected. When you use a torque wrench part of it follows the thing your turning and part of it does not. That part of the torque wrench twists slightly; it's being deformed and obeys Hooke's Law. The more twist, the more torque is being applied. The needle amplifies the amount of twist so that you can read the torque on the gauge.

Does hooke's law apply to elastic materials or to inelastic materials?

Hooke's law applies to elastic materials, which means that the material will return to its original shape when the deforming force is removed. Inelastic materials do not follow Hooke's law as they do not exhibit linear elasticity.

In what field of science is Hooke's law applied?

Hooke's law of elasticity is used to describe how a material body is deformed by stress (at its simplest). Imagine a weight suspended on a spring. The spring will lengthen according to Hooke's law. The law has application in civil and mechanical engineering wherever materials are placed under stress.

What does the percentage of elongation of a test piece under a tensile load indicate?

The change in length of a material under loading can be used to calculate the strain the material has undergone. When stress is plotted against strain, the gradient of the straight line portion of the stress strain curve is equal to Young's Modulus, a type of axial stiffness applicable to a material that obeys Hooke's law at stresses below the yield strength of the material.

What does Hooke's law depend on?

Within the elastic limit of the material, a springs deformation is proportional to its loading.

When did Robert Hooke formulate the law of elasticity?

Robert Hooke formulated the law of elasticity, also known as Hooke's Law, in 1660.

Hookes law hold well up to?

Hooke's law describes the relationship between the force applied to a spring and the resulting extension or compression of the spring, as long as the material remains in the elastic deformation range of the stress-strain curve. Beyond the elastic limit, the material may exhibit plastic deformation, and Hooke's law may not apply.

Is every material valid to hooke's law?

No, not every material is valid for Hooke's Law. Hooke's Law is specifically valid for linearly elastic materials, which exhibit a linear relationship between stress and strain. Materials that do not exhibit linear elasticity, such as plastics or rubber, do not follow Hooke's Law.

Will Hooke's law still hold when large forces are applied?

Hooke's law is valid for many materials within their elastic limit, regardless of the force applied. However, for extremely large forces, materials may deform plastically or reach their ultimate strength, at which point Hooke's law may no longer accurately describe the material's behavior.