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Force of tension, exerted from the swing rope, keeps the swing moving in the horizontal back and forth motion. The force of gravity keeps the swing from staying at the far right or far left because it always wants the swing to be pulled to Earth, but the force of tension wants to keep it up. Air resistance, like friction, eventually slows the swing down to a halt.

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Q: How does a force change the motion of a carnival swing ride?
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What are some examples of newtons law of motion?

Newton's First Law: An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Newton's Second Law: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Newton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Which Newton's Law of Motion is applied in the flight of a bird and support your answer with suitable reason?

as 3rd law of motion states that every action has an equal nd opposite reaction. this is applicable in a bird's flight. A bird exerts force on the air with its wings nd t air then pushes it in t forward direction....

What is a electromagnetic swing?

An electromagnetic swing is a swing that uses electromagnetic forces to propel or enhance its motion. By employing magnets and electric currents, electromagnetic swings can generate movement without the need for traditional means such as pushing or pulling.

Why is it easier to swing your legs back and forth when they are bent?

Swinging your legs back and forth is easier when they are bent because it allows for a shorter lever arm, reducing the force required to move them. Bending your legs also engages different muscle groups that are used for swinging motion, making it more efficient. Additionally, bending the legs helps to maintain balance and control during the swinging motion.

Is swinging a golf club an example of newtons third law of motion?

Newton's first law states that every object that is moving will continue moving at constant speed in a straight line until an unbalanced force acts upon it. An object at rest will remain at rest until an unbalanced force acts upon it. A golf ball remains at rest until the unbalanced force of a golf club. Then, it will continue moving at constant speed until an unbaleced force acts on it. What slows it down is friction. Then, the hole or wall will stop it.

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Can a swing change electrical energy into motion?

yes is motion

what force is in a swing set?

The primary force in a swing set is gravity, which acts to pull the swing downward. The tension force in the chains or ropes of the swing set counteracts gravity and allows the swing to move back and forth. The force applied by the person on the swing also contributes to its motion.

What is the name of the force when a swing is swinging?

The force that keeps a swing swinging is primarily gravity. The swinging motion is a result of the interplay between gravity pulling the swing downward and the tension in the chains or ropes supporting the swing.

What force is used to make the back-and-forth motion of a swing higher?

The force that makes the back-and-forth motion of a swing higher is the force of gravity as the swing moves downward, converting potential energy at the highest point into kinetic energy as it swings lower. Pushing off the ground at the bottom of the swing arc also adds kinetic energy to the system, increasing the height of the swing.

What will happen to the pen when you swing it?

When you swing the pen, it will experience rotational motion due to the force applied to it. The pen will follow a curved path and its motion will depend on the speed and angle at which it is swung. Ultimately, the pen will continue moving in a circular motion until the force is removed.

What forces must be overcome while on a moving swing?

While on a moving swing, you must overcome air resistance, the force that opposes the motion of the swing through the air. Additionally, you must overcome friction in the pivot points of the swing that can slow down your movement. Finally, you must generate enough force with your body to maintain the swinging motion against the gravitational force pulling you downward.

What is an example of periodic motion?

An example of periodic motion is a swing moving back and forth. The swing repetitively oscillates around a fixed point due to the force of gravity and the initial push given to it. The motion of the swing follows a pattern that repeats at regular intervals.

How can centripetal force affects a person on a playground swing?

Centripetal force is responsible for keeping a person on a swing moving in a circular path. As the swing reaches the highest point in its arc, the tension in the chains provide the centripetal force necessary to keep the person moving in a circular motion. When the swing is at its lowest point, the tension in the chains decreases as the centripetal force needed is also reduced.

What type of force is required to put a golf ball in motion?

The force required to put a golf ball in motion is typically generated by the golfer's swing, which applies a force to the ball through the club. This force causes the ball to accelerate and move forward.

What kind of motion is swinging back and forth on a swing?

Swinging back and forth on a swing involves periodic motion, specifically oscillatory motion. The motion repeats in a regular pattern as the swing moves back and forth around a fixed point.

What is a the motion of a needle in a swing motion?

motion of the needle of a sewing machine is what is the motino is this?

What objects change direction when you push or pull it?

Objects that change direction when pushed or pulled include a soccer ball, a shopping cart, a swing, or a door. These objects demonstrate Newton's laws of motion in action by changing their direction in response to an applied force.