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•Fold mountains are mountains formed by 2 tectonic plates colliding with each other and forcing each other up through the earth but this process takes millions of years.

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How do fold mountain form?

Fold mountain or mountain chains are formed by the collisions between continental plates.

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Where does fold mountain occur?

Fold mountains typically form at convergent plate boundaries, where tectonic forces cause the Earth's crust to fold and uplift. Examples of fold mountain ranges include the Himalayas, Andes, Alps, and Rockies.

Is mount fuji a Block or Fold mountain?

It is a fold mountain. :)

Is k2 fold mountain?

Yes k2 is a fold mountain

Which type of mountain is Mount Everest - fold or block?

a fold mountain

What is fold mountain in geography?

A fold mountain is where two pieces of land crash and make fold mountains.

What is the top of a fold mountain called?

The top of the fold mountain is known as a crust.

Is mount Everest a Block or Fold mountain?

mount Everest is a fold mountain

What is a hill fold?

its a mountain fold.look it up mountain fold online or a origami book

Which type of mountain form because of an oceanic plate and a continental plate colliding?

Fold mountains.