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Q: How does a bulldozer moving trees out of the way in a forest fire put out the fire?
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Is there a greater risk of forest fire if the beetles damage the trees?

Yes, there is a greater risk of forest fire if beetles damage trees. When beetles infest and kill trees, the dead trees become fuel for fires, increasing the overall fire risk in the forest. Additionally, the accumulated dead organic matter from infested trees can make fires burn at a higher intensity.

How long would a forest fire last if it ain't putted out?

If a forest fire ain't putted out then it would get big and burn them trees n grasses and such.

A forest fire burns down most of the trees in large forest the animals that live in the trees are forced to move to other areas what kind of disturbance is this?

Secondary Disturbance

A forest fire burns down most of the trees in a large forest. The animals that live in the trees are forced to move to other areas. What kind of disturbance is this?

Secondary Disturbance

What causes forestfires?

Forest Fires can be caused by two things. 1) a camp fire that didn't light properly which led fire to spread onto grass leading it to light up trees which as we all know causes a forest fire. 2) the heat could be very intense causing the trees to catch on fire... hope this helped :)

Related questions

How can a forest fire effect plants?

trees are plants and fire kills trees.

If you were in a forest and there were only trees and rocks what can you do?

Make a signal fire.

How can lava start a forest fire?

the intense heat of lava eventualy breaks down trees and spreads quickly, and then you have a forest fire.

Why does a forest industry send crews into forest fire areas after the forest regenerates to thin the newly grown trees five to ten years after the fire?

Because trees grow faster, healthier and bigger if they aren't too crowded.

When cutting trees in a forest fire what is taken away from the fire?

When cutting trees during a forest fire, the vegetation is cleared to create a firebreak, a barrier that helps stop or slow the spread of the fire. By removing trees and creating a buffer zone, firefighters can better control the fire and prevent it from spreading further.

How does a forest fire make the soil richer?

A forest fire can make the soil richer by breaking down organic material in the form of plant matter and depositing nutrients back into the soil as ash. The ash left behind after a fire contains important minerals and nutrients that can promote new plant growth and replenish the soil. Additionally, the fire can open up the forest canopy, allowing more sunlight to reach the forest floor, which can also stimulate plant growth.

In a forest what is a fire break?

A fire Break is when you taake away trees to get rid of fuel and stop fire happening

How long would a forest fire last if it ain't putted out?

If a forest fire ain't putted out then it would get big and burn them trees n grasses and such.

What are effects of forest fire?

the forest fire can burn down plants, which will fall down to the ground, and it will make great soil for crops, trees, and even Flowers

What is the most likely result of a forest fire that destroys 90 percent of the trees of a forest?

Many organisms that lived in the forest will not survive! By: Annette(:

A forest fire burns down most of the trees in large forest the animals that live in the trees are forced to move to other areas what kind of disturbance is this?

Secondary Disturbance

A forest fire burns down most of the trees in a large forest. The animals that live in the trees are forced to move to other areas. What kind of disturbance is this?

Secondary Disturbance