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According to the scientific study physical features changes after 10 years...

When the plates of the earth move due to earthquarks and Lavas it cause globle warming and change physical features by melting snow.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes. Some people may think that blizzards are man made, but they would be incorrect. Blizzards are as natural as the floods that wiped out New Orleans or the Earthquakes that destroy California bridges. You can't stop them.

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14y ago

well lets say theres a dirt road u have to drive on it the blizzard could cover the whole entire road so people cannot drive over it

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11y ago

snow and ice the moon

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Q: What impacts do blizzards have on the surface of the Earth?
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What is the scientific term for a shooting star that hits earths surface?

The scientific term for a shooting star that hits Earth's surface is a meteorite. It is a solid piece of debris from a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and impacts the surface.

Who studies the surface of the earth?

Geographers typically study the surface of the Earth, focusing on its features, climate, natural resources, and how human activity impacts the environment. They may specialize in areas such as physical geography, human geography, or environmental geography to understand different aspects of the Earth's surface.

Why is most of Earth's surface is covered by oceans?

Although we are not completely certain about the origin of water on Earth, it seems that there have been a lot of comet impacts, much earlier in the Earth's history, and those comets brought our planet lots of water, which now covers most of the surface of the Earth.

Which is stronger a blizzard or a hurricane?

Hurricanes are generally stronger than blizzards. Hurricanes have stronger winds, more widespread impacts, and can cause more damage than blizzards, which are characterized by heavy snowfall and strong winds.

Why does the earth have fewer meteorite impact?

The Earth has fewer meteorite impacts compared to other bodies in the solar system because of its atmosphere, which burns up smaller meteoroids before they reach the surface. Also, the Earth's active geological processes, such as erosion and plate tectonics, constantly reshape its surface, which can erase evidence of past impacts. Additionally, the Moon lacks an atmosphere to protect it and has a more preserved impact record, making it appear that it has more impacts than Earth.

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A meteor that strikes Earth's surface?

A "meteorite" is the word for a meteoroid that impacts Earth's surface.

How is Ceres' surface different from Earth's?

Ceres has no atmosphere, no liquid water, and no life on its surface. Instead it is heavily cratered from impacts.

Are blizzards used as a evidence the the earths surface consist of plates that are in continuous motion?

No. Blizzards have nothing to do with plate tectonics.

What is the environmental scenario of the movie the day after tomorrow?

That the earth undergoes periodic ice ages that are brought on almost instantly by huge hurricane-like blizzards that cover the entire surface of the earth.

Why do planets with atmospheres have less impacts?

The atmosphere causes the object that is impacting or hitting the earth and causes it to burn and deteriorate as it lands on the earth's Surface.

What seasons do blizzards occur?

The wind in Antarctica is constant. It may be safe to say that somewhere on the continent -- it covers 10% of the earth's surface -- there is a blizzard, every day.

What seasons do blizzards occur in?

The wind in Antarctica is constant. It may be safe to say that somewhere on the continent -- it covers 10% of the earth's surface -- there is a blizzard, every day.

How is Ceres different from earth?

Ceres has no atmosphere, no liquid water, and no life on its surface. Instead it is heavily cratered from impacts.

How do you prevent blizzards?

Blizzards are natural weather events that are difficult to prevent. However, you can reduce the impacts of blizzards by staying informed about weather forecasts, having an emergency kit with supplies, staying indoors during a storm, and following any evacuation or safety instructions from authorities.

Has the Earth's moon's surface changed in the past three billion years?

Yes, the Earth's moon's surface has changed over the past three billion years due to impacts from asteroids and comets. These impacts have created craters, lava flows, and other geological features that modify the moon's surface over time.

What is the scientific term for a shooting star that hits earths surface?

The scientific term for a shooting star that hits Earth's surface is a meteorite. It is a solid piece of debris from a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and impacts the surface.

What feature can be found on the earth and the moon?

Both the Earth and the Moon have craters, which are depressions on the surface formed by impacts from asteroids or meteoroids. These craters can vary in size and shape, and can provide valuable information about the history of impacts on both celestial bodies.