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Q: How does Plate tectonics rock fractures lead to vibrations of an earthquake?
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What causes an earthquake's vibrations?

The shifting of plate tectonics moving by eachother.

What happens when to tectonics plate collide?

an earthquake

Do plate tectonics cause earthquake?


What is it called when plate tectonics move together?


What are 2 plate tectonics colliding called?

an earthquake

Are the plate tectonics constantly moving and when they do does it always cause an earthquake?

Plate tectonics are always moving! they usually do have something to do with earthquakes!

What would cause a major earthquake in B.C.?

plate movement and plate tectonics

Can plate tectonics help earthquake prediction?

yes it cant:D

How did Chile's earthquake shorten the days in earth?

By plate Tectonics

Is there evidence of plate tectonics on Venus?

There is no conclusive evidence of plate tectonics on Venus. Although Venus does have tectonic features such as fractures and faults, they do not show the same pattern of movement and subduction observed on Earth. Additionally, Venus lacks evidence of large-scale crustal recycling associated with plate tectonics.

What is a sentence with the word plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics are the effects on continental and oceanic plates as they move and collide. Example :"Geologists study plate tectonics to find future stress points and earthquake zones."

Why did the chilian earthquake happen?

because the plates were rubbing together and the tension stored caused the earthquake so its all to do with plate tectonics