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Herbivores (like deer) eat the plants that it gets spread on. We'll say the plants have 1 piece of DDT. Since each deer eats LOTS of individual plants (we'll say leaves), the DDT in the deer will be more than the leaves had. We'll say this deer ate 100 leaves in one day, now it has 100 pieces of DDT in it. Then a wolf comes along and kills the deer and eats all the deer. Now the wolf has 100 pieces of DDT in it. The wolf kills ANOTHER deer the next day and eats it, and now this wolf has 200 pieces of DDT in it. So on and so on. So the MORE DDT you have in an organism's system, the more toxic it is. We call this bioamplification. Each food level it increases GREATLY in the fatty tissues.

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Q: How does DDT get into the bodies of zooplankton?
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How does an animal living hundreds of kilometers from an area sprayed with DDT might get DDT in its body?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

Why is DDT controversial?

Very dangerous. causes kidney/liver disease and kidney/liver cancer and leads up to death. was banned in 1972 by the US Secretary of agriculture, Richard Milhous Nixon and the World Health Orginization. Cased by inhaling the chemical.

How long does DDT last?

DDT is a persistent chemical that can remain in the environment for a long time. It has a half-life of around 2 to 15 years in soil and can remain in water bodies for several years. However, the use of DDT has been phased out in many countries due to its harmful effects on the environment and human health.

Why would the concentration of ddt be less in water than in another organism?

The concentration of DDT is lower in water than in organisms because of bioaccumulation. Organisms absorb DDT from water through their food or direct exposure, leading to higher concentrations in their bodies compared to the surrounding environment. As DDT moves up the food chain, its concentration increases at each trophic level, resulting in higher levels in organisms than in the water.

Is DDT a parasite?

DDT is an insecticide.

Related questions

Does bacteria eat zooplankton?

Bacteria can only eat zooplankton when it is dead. Zooplankton are small fish that look like shrimp which are commonly found in water bodies.

Which organism had the most DDT in their bodies?

Birds of prey, such as peregrine falcons and bald eagles, had some of the highest levels of DDT in their bodies due to biomagnification through the food chain. This accumulation of DDT caused reproductive issues and population declines in these species. Efforts to ban DDT and other harmful pesticides have helped to reduce these impacts.

How does an animal living hundreds of kilometers from an area sprayed with DDT might get DDT in its body?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

Why is DDT controversial?

Very dangerous. causes kidney/liver disease and kidney/liver cancer and leads up to death. was banned in 1972 by the US Secretary of agriculture, Richard Milhous Nixon and the World Health Orginization. Cased by inhaling the chemical.

How long does DDT last?

DDT is a persistent chemical that can remain in the environment for a long time. It has a half-life of around 2 to 15 years in soil and can remain in water bodies for several years. However, the use of DDT has been phased out in many countries due to its harmful effects on the environment and human health.

Why would the concentration of ddt be less in water than in another organism?

The concentration of DDT is lower in water than in organisms because of bioaccumulation. Organisms absorb DDT from water through their food or direct exposure, leading to higher concentrations in their bodies compared to the surrounding environment. As DDT moves up the food chain, its concentration increases at each trophic level, resulting in higher levels in organisms than in the water.

What are the two types of planktons?

Phytoplankton and zooplankton

Can zooplankton eat seaweed and what can eat zooplankton?

no zooplankton dont eat seaweed, and krill eats zooplankton, some whales eat zooplankton, there are also others i cant think of

Is DDT a parasite?

DDT is an insecticide.

Why does DDT exist?

DDT is a pesticide.

What is DDT and what does it have to do with bio magnification?

DDT is dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane; biomagnification of DDT in some organisms is possible.

What kind of organism is zoto plankton?

Zooplankton are tiny animals that drift in water bodies like oceans, lakes, and ponds. They are crucial to aquatic ecosystems as they are a food source for many other organisms. Examples of zooplankton include tiny crustaceans like copepods and krill.