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P3- This is the phosphide ion, but it is not stable in water, only with 3H in PH3 (comparable with ammonia NH3) or with some metal ions (eg. Li3P, Ca3P2, AlP) it is found as pure substance. There are also other form with negatively charged phosphorous in it.
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4w ago

To write the ion of a phosphide-containing species, you would typically indicate the charge of the phosphorus, which is usually -3. For example, the ion for phosphide would be P3-, or you can write it as phosphide ion.

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What is the name for the phosphorus ion?

The ion of phosphorous (P) is P^3- and is referred to as phosphide.

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The charge on the phosphide ion in zinc phosphide is -3, because phosphorus typically forms a -3 charge when it becomes an anion.

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Yes, ammonium phosphide is an ionic compound. It is formed from the ionic bonding between the ammonium ion (NH4+) and the phosphide ion (P3-).

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The radical of phosphide is represented by the symbol P^3-. This means that the phosphide ion has a charge of -3.

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The phosphide ion, typically written as P3-, contains three oxygen atoms.

What happens when the elements phosphorus forms an ion?

When phosphorus forms an ion, it typically gains three electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell. This results in the formation of the phosphide ion, which has a 3- charge. This allows phosphorus to attain a stable electron configuration similar to a noble gas.

What ion will Phosphorous form?

Phosphorus will form the phosphide (P3-) ion.

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Ammonium phosphide is an ionic compound. It is formed by the transfer of electrons from the ammonium ion (NH4+) to the phosphide ion (P3-) to create an electrostatic bond between the two ions.

How do you write electronic configurations and symbols for the ions formed by gain of 3 electrons by phosphorus?

The electronic configuration for phosphorus is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3. When phosphorus gains 3 electrons to form an ion, it becomes a phosphide ion with a 3- charge. The symbol for the phosphide ion is P3-.

What is the name for the compound K3P?

The compound K3P is called potassium phosphide. It is formed by combining one potassium ion with one phosphide ion. It is an ionic compound with a 3:1 ratio of potassium to phosphide ions.

Does phosphorus form an ion?

Yes, phosphorus can form an ion with a charge of -3, known as a phosphide ion. It gains three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.