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Thankfully, we are all unhurt.

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Q: How do you use unhurt in a sentence?
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How do you use unhurt and hopeful in a sentence?

I came through the scrape unhurt, and I am hopeful that I can still catch the bus.

How do you write a sentence with the word unhurt in it?

i was unhurt when i fell off my bike?

What is the root word for unhurt?

Hurt is the root word of unhurt.

What th prefix in unhurt?

The prefix in "unhurt" is "un-," which means "not" or "the opposite of." In this case, "unhurt" means not hurt or uninjured.

How do you use driver in a sentence?

It depends on what type of driver you mean - there are several meanings to the word.The driver of the car ran the stop light.The golfer used his driver for the last hole.

How do you write a sentence using the word laceration?

The doctor used stitches to close the laceration. Other than a small laceration on his forearm, the boy was unhurt.

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What is another word for unhurt?


What is salvus in Latin?

Unhurt, safe or sound

6 letter word ending in urt?

Unhurt and yogurt.

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She never played a musical instrument, but she did sing to God in her heart. When her first death sentence was attempted (being suffocated in steam baths), she rose unhurt and music was heard around the house.

What is the function of a frog's thumb pad?

A frog's thumb pad helps them grip onto surfaces securely, aiding in climbing, jumping, and catching prey. It is covered in a sticky mucus that enhances adhesion to various surfaces, allowing the frog to move efficiently in its environment.