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Q: How do you use the lines on a topographic lines to identify the direction of a mountain?
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How do you know a hill on a topographic map?

On a topographic map, you can identify a hill by examining the contour lines. Contour lines that form closed loops are an indication of a hill or a mountain. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope of the hill.

On a topographic map contour lines that form a circle indicate .?

Hill,Slope or Mountain

A topographic map indicates that a mountain's slope is very steep by using?

contour lines that are close together. Steeper slopes are shown with contour lines that are closely spaced together, indicating rapid changes in elevation.

What are three methods that hep you determine the direction a stream is flowing on a topographic map?

Look for contour lines that indicate the flow of water downhill. Check for small lines perpendicular to the stream that show the direction of the current. Identify the shape of the stream's valley, as valleys typically point in the direction of the stream flow.

What A topographic map indicates that a mountain and slope is very steep by using?

It uses contour lines which are very close together.

A topographic map indicates that a mountain and slope is very steep by using?

It uses contour lines which are very close together.

What is a map that shows mountains?

A topographic map typically shows mountains and their elevations using contour lines. These lines indicate the shape and height of the terrain, making it easy to identify mountainous areas on the map. You can also look for specific mountain ranges or peaks labeled on the map for more information.

On a topographic map what do hachures indicate?

Hachures on a topographic map indicate the presence of steep slopes and the direction of the slope. They are lines drawn parallel to the direction of the slope, with the lines pointing uphill. The closer the lines are together, the steeper the slope.

What type of map would you use to find the elevation of mountain range?

You would use a topographic map to find the elevation of a mountain range. Topographic maps show the shape of the land's surface, including mountains, valleys, and elevation through contour lines.

. Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a .?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a sharp change in elevation, representing a steep slope or a vertical feature like a cliff or a ridge. These clustered contour lines help visualize the terrain's three-dimensional shape and can warn hikers of challenging topography.