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Quantum electrodynamics is used today primarily in theoretical physics research to study the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and charged particles at the quantum level. It provides a framework for understanding phenomena such as particle decay rates, scattering processes, and the behavior of electromagnetic fields in extreme conditions. Quantum electrodynamics also plays a role in the development of technologies such as quantum computing and quantum communication.

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Electrodynamics solution griffith?

"Introduction to Electrodynamics" by David J. Griffiths is a popular textbook that covers the principles of electromagnetism. It provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject with clear explanations and worked examples. It is commonly used in undergraduate courses on electrodynamics.

How does the atomic model we use today differ from Bohr's model?

The atomic model used today, known as the quantum mechanical model, incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics including the concept of electron clouds and probability distributions of electron locations, while Bohr's model focused on specific orbits for electrons. The quantum mechanical model provides a more accurate description of electron behavior and allows for a better understanding of the complexities of atomic structure.

What will be the theory after the quantum theory of light?

There is unlikely to be a successor to a quantum theory of light, by the definition that the quantum theory of light is that "Light is made up of discernible particles", has very strong evidence to support it, and no alternative explanation has yet been found to explain such effects as the photoelectric effect.If you mean quantum electrodynamics, the section of the standard model of particle physics that explains light, electricity and magnetism, and therefore the standard model of particle interaction, then the only answer is that absolutely nobody knows. In fact, finding a successor to the standard model, which despite being one of the best theories ever developed is full of more holes than the titanic if taken as a theory of everything, is one of the biggest deals in all of science.One possible successor to the theory of quantum electrodynamics is the section of superstring theory that explains electromagnetism, but there are many who don't think string theory will be the answer to physics' problems, and certainly string theorists have yet to find any strong evidence supporting their theories.

Who has the greatest contribution in quantum mechanics among Heisenberg and Dirac and Schrodinger?

It is difficult to say who has the greatest contribution as all three physicists, Heisenberg, Dirac, and Schrodinger, made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg is known for his matrix mechanics, Dirac for his work on quantum electrodynamics, and Schrodinger for his wave equation. Each of their contributions played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of quantum mechanics.

Can you use quantum mechanics to predict outcome of a football match?


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Is Quantum electrodynamics written short as QED?

Yes, "QED" is a commonly used abbreviation for quantum electrodynamics.

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Richard Feynman was a quantum physicist. He worked in the theory of electrodynamics and he helped shape physics as it is known today. Today, physicists look back at him in admiration.

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Richard P. Feynman won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 for his fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, particularly his development of the theory of quantum electrodynamics. He shared the prize with Julian Schwinger and Shinichiro Tomonaga for their independent development of the same theory.

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Alexander Bittner has written: 'The quantum electrodynamics of intermolecular energy tranfer and cooperative photoexcitation'

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Schrödinger's equations, I believe

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Richard Feynman did not invent anything in particular, but he made significant contributions to theoretical physics, particularly in the fields of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. He also played a key role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project.

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Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist. He was most known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium.

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