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we can't see flagellum without microscopic

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1mo ago

The flagellum on the bacteria helps it to move through its environment by propelling itself with its whip-like tail.

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What is the tail-like structures that euglenoids use to move around?

Euglenoids are single celled organisms that use a flagellum to move their bodies. Not all euglenophytes have a flagellum. The differentiating factor is the fact that the euglenoid or euglenophyte has a single flagellum.

What can cells use to move?

-flagellum -pseudopodia -cilia

Structure prokaryotes use to propel themselves?

flagellum. (:

how flagellate move?

flagellates use their flagellum or flagella to move

What is a specific organism that has flagellum?

A euglena has a flagellum, they use it to move around their habitat which is mainly pond water, some water has so many, it turns green.

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flagellum (flagella)

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Is flagellum plural?

No, Flagellum is singular, flagellais plural. The word flagellum is derived from Latin, meaning whip

What does flagellum mean in Latin?

"Flagellum" in Latin means "whip" or "lash", and it is often used to refer to a whip-like structure that some microorganisms use for propulsion.

What does flagellum have to do with Egypt?

The flagellum was a whip used by Egyptians