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Q: How do you think modern day plants got the introns that are missing in liverworts and green algae?
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The liverworts and the hornworts are non seed plants.

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Mosses, ferns, and liverworts have no plants.

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Plants such as the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

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Are liverworts the first land plants?

Yes they are

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Are liverworts vascular plants?

Liverworts are not vascular plants. The Liverwort is a very primitive plant like moss and the slime mold. Liverwort reproduces using spores.

Which of the following plants lacks vascular system fern peanut plant liverworts and oak tree?

Liverworts lack a vascular system. They are non-vascular plants that absorb water and nutrients directly through their cells. Ferns, peanut plants, and oak trees all have vascular systems that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.