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You used to know that canned food was probably infected with botulism because the can looked like it was overinflated, but there have been very few if any reported cases of botulism-infected canned goods for a while thanks to dilligent pasteurization practices. Enough bad bacteria to make you sick will usually not be visible, nor will it have a discernable smell or taste. Always assume that raw meat, especially chicken and pork, is loaded with it. Make sure it never touches anything that will touch other foods, and after handling raw meat always thoroughly wash you hands before touching anything else. Never eat chicken that has not been heated to at least 165° F all the way through or pork that has not been heated to 195° F all the way through. Above all else, always remember: WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT!

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Contaminated food might have no signs. That's why proper handling procedures are so important.

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Q: How do you tell if food is contaminated with food poisoning bacteria?
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Can you tell if a food or surface is contaminated with bacteria simply by looking at it?

Visually inspecting would not be the most reliable way of determining contamination. Only if the surface is actually dirty would it be likely to be contaminated. However if it looks clean it can still be contaminated.

Can you tell me what is Salmonella is?

Salmonella is a type of bacteria. It is usually found in poultry, eggs, unprocessed milk and in meat and water. It may also be carried by pets like turtles and birds and can cause food poisoning

How can you tell if food has enough bacteria to cause food poisoning?

The only sure way is to eat it and see if you get sick. Only in rare cases will contamination cause obvious "spoiling" of food, But the old standby of checking for gas production (most canned food is under a mild vacuum) is still useful. There are lab tests (culture the food) but they take longer to do than is useful (but is used to test large batches of food by industry).

How can you tell the difference between food poisoning and the flu?

The circumstances would give some clues. If you ate something suspicious or it is the flu season, you would likely know that. It is possible that the flu would be more likely to cause headache, fever, chills, and mental confusion, but severe food poisoning could give those symptoms as well. Diarrhea and vomiting are more common with food poisoning, but someone may have a 24-hour intestinal virus or a strain of the flu which starts with the same symptoms as the 24-hour virus, goes dormant, and then gives the more familiar flu symptoms within a week. More severe and life-threatening symptoms such as kidney and liver failure tend to come from food poisoning (and possibly foodborne parasites).

How can you determine if your Toyota scion xd is contaminated by radiation?

Why would you suspect it is contaminated with radiation? A geiger counter will tell you if it is.

How can you tell an animal has E. coli?

Most of animals including humans have E.coli in their intestines, which is natural environment for them to live. They are even beneficial for you as they fight with alien bacteria that could cause disease through your Digestive tract.The problem by E. coli is caused when they are consumed orally (with food or water). Such contamination can cause food poisoning.Food consumption of contaminated food by E. coli shows symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

What jobs do bacteria perform in the human gut?

Escherichia Coli are good bacteria that are in the human gut. What they do is that they are usually used for detecting for contaminations. So they can go through your body through drinking water, even though it is not harmful then. They can help tell if that person is contaminated in any way.

What are the consequences of getting food poisoning?

If the criminal is good at his job, it would be impossible to tell poisoned from non-poisoned food. The best way to tell is to have someone else try the food first, then see if they die. If they do die, it's probably poisoned.

What organ of the digestive system produces acid that kills most of the bacteria swallowed with food?

Your mom! she didn't tell you?

What should you eat when you have food poisoning?

Dont take any medication! I had food poisoning with my 3rd pregnancy when I was only 8 weeks. They sent me for a scan but I think this was to reassure me more than anything as they could not see anything on the scan. They kept an eye on me during the preg for anything unusual but everything was fine. he is running round being a typical naughty boy :-) my advice, tell your doctor/midwife but dont worry

Can you freeze a ready meal that has been in fridge for 5 days?

NO. The meal that was kept in the fridge for 5 days is not healthy anymore. Leftovers can be kept for three to four days in the refrigerator. Be sure to eat them within that time. After that the the risk of food poisoning increases. If you don't think you'll be able to eat leftovers within four days, freeze them immediately. Food poisoning - also called foodborne illness - is caused by harmful organisms, such as bacteria in contaminated food. Because bacteria typically don't change the taste, smell or look of food, you can't tell whether a food is dangerous to eat. So if you're in doubt about a food's safety, it's best to throw it out. Fortunately, most cases of food poisoning can be prevented with proper food handling. To practice food safety, quickly refrigerate perishable foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy and eggs - don't let them sit more than two hours at typical room temperature or more than one hour at temperatures above 90 F (32 C). Uncooked foods, such as cold salads or sandwiches, also should be eaten or refrigerated promptly. Your goal is to minimize the time a food is in the "danger zone" - between 40 and 140 F (4 and 60 C) - when bacteria can quickly multiply. When you're ready to eat leftovers, reheat them on the stove, in the oven or in the microwave until the internal temperature reaches 165 F (74 C). Because they may not get hot enough, slow cookers and chafing dishes aren't recommended for reheating leftovers.

What are characteristics of food that makes people sick?

uncookedrottenstaleare characteristics of food, but it is not these things that make people sick it is the bacteria found in in the foodTo elaborate . . .If you are wondering how you can tell if a food could make you sick, obvious spoilage could be an indicator - but it is not fail-safe. Improperly handled food can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, toxins and parasites that could make one ill, but cannot be detected with the unaided senses.If you are asking for the definition of a 'potentially hazardous food', that will vary with the country. U.S. FDA's Food Code includes several components in its definition, includingA food that requires temperature control because it is capable of supporting the rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms.A food with an aw value above 0.85.A food with a pH level above 4.6.