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usually at school we store it in oil but ts a non flamable oil as it reacts with the oxygen in the air causing the chemical reaction changing it to magnesium hydroxide

so you will need to keep in a clear container in oil or just in a container that is air tight and never store it in water as it has a high raction and burns in water

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Store magnesium ribbon in a sealed container with a dry environment to prevent contact with moisture, which can lead to oxidation. It is also recommended to store it away from sources of heat and light to maintain its quality.

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Q: How do you store magnesium ribbon to stop it from turning into magnesium oxide?
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Why hard disk is magnetized by iron oxide?

Hard disk drives use a magnetic coating of iron oxide to store data because it can be easily magnetized to represent binary data (0s and 1s). The magnetic polarity of the iron oxide particles can be changed by a magnetic head, allowing data to be written and read from the disk.

Where can you buy magnesium citrate in Adelaide?

You can buy magnesium citrate in Adelaide at pharmacies, health food stores, or online retailers. Popular pharmacies like Chemist Warehouse, Priceline Pharmacy, and TerryWhite Chemmart usually carry magnesium citrate supplements. It's always a good idea to call ahead to check availability before visiting a store.

Do engines have magnesium in them?

Well there is probably a bit of magnesium found in all car engines, but at least BMW makes engines primarily out of the material in some cars.So in short yes, yes they do.Magnesium engine blocks if pure enough are dangerous to use with Nitrous!! DO NOT attempt to use a mostly magnesium engine with any sort of liquid/gas boosting system. If there is any chance that your liquid or gas boosting system will explode or catch fire (((oxygen-methylated fuels, propane, nitrous)) ABSOLUTLY do not pair it with a mostly magnesium engine. Aluminum magnesium engine blocks are fine, for i know of no aluminum type alloy that is more than 20 percent magnesium. Mostly magnesium alloys are a dead NO in the case of explosive flammable boosting gases or liquids. Magnesium burns brighter than the sun and that is by no means at all exaggerating, if you need to prove this to yourself just buy an old magnesium single-use camera flashbulb and "see" for yourself. Magnesium fires are one of the hottest fires, the only hotter temperatures fires come from certain thermite reactions, and a thermal lance!!This is why VW stopped production of mostly pure magnesium rims; people at one time thought it was cool to set them on fire.Magnesium fires release not only huge amounts of heat and light but blinding levels of UV light that can result in permanent blindness in a matter of minutes. A mostly magnesium engine block if set on fire could easily burn through a side walk, or a concrete over pass. No fire extinguisher will put out a magnesium fire, chemical, CO2 types also do not work.. Magnesium will even burn under water for a bit! The only way to put out magnesium fires safely are sands or soils. Magnesium tends to explode violently with water when on fire and could send chunks of 4000 degree material flying in all directions, burning right through you. If you are a doubting Thomas and want to tempt fate go to a science supply store buy some magnesium bar, heat until it catches fire and then grasp onto the burning rod it will burn through your skin instantly and carbonize your bones in your hand in seconds. Some people need direct evidence.To be "silly" almost all water sources contain trace amounts of magnesium, hard water has even more magnesium, if your engine has water mixed with anti-freeze this fluid passes through your engine, thus you have magnesium in your engine in a technical way as well.

What is the function of the gas tap in Bunsen burner?

The gas tap in a Bunsen burner controls the flow of gas to the burner. By adjusting the gas tap, you can regulate the flame intensity, controlling the amount of heat produced. Turning the tap on allows gas to flow to the burner, while turning it off shuts off the gas supply.

What is milk magnesia?

Milk of magnesia, also known as magnesium hydroxide, is a common over-the-counter medication used to relieve indigestion and constipation. It works by drawing water into the intestines to soften the stool and promote bowel movements. It is also sometimes used as a treatment for heartburn and sour stomach.

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Where do you buy paper ribbon for crafts?

From an art store.

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The typewriter ribbon is the store of ink for the typewriter. When a typewriter key is pushed the letter springs up and hits the ribbon - pushing the ink onto the page in the shape of the letter.

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Is jigsaw magnesium really better for you than magnesium oxide?

Okay, first things first: "Jigsaw" is a brand of magnesium supplements. With that in mind: It's at least possible that it is "better for you" than plain old magnesium oxide, if your diet is low in magnesium. Magnesium is pretty important biologically, but it's also pretty prevalent naturally in foods, so unless you've been diagnosed with hypomagnesia (a fancy term for "low magnesium levels") it's quite likely that you're getting all you need in your normal diet. (Incidentally, green plants in particular have a fair amount of magnesium; magnesium is the central atom in the porphyrin complex of chlorophyll.) However, if you want to be doubly sure, you can take magnesium supplements; it does play a role in reducing the risk of, among other things, stroke and osteoporosis. The particular magnesium compound taken is largely irrelevant to its overall biological availability (a magnesium compound that doesn't dissolve at all will simply be excreted eventually without being used by the body, but magnesium oxide is soluble under acidic conditions such as prevail in the stomach). Jigsaw claims that their "sustained release technology" (a rather grandiose term for "hey, it doesn't all dissolve immediately") results in a more even concentration of serum magnesium throughout the day. How significant this is I'm not sure, and given the way magnesium is actually absorbed by the body I have some doubts about exactly how much difference there really is between their formulation and Brand X. Bottom line: it might work slightly better, if you really need it, which you probably don't, and at any rate I wouldn't pay much of a premium for it; if it's significantly more expensive than the store brand I'd probably just buy the cheaper one and let my gastrointestinal tract figure out how much to absorb and when.

How can you become a yellow ribbon on Equine-Ranch?

You may earn Personal Points by playing the game which can then be cashed in for a free 1 year Yellow Ribbon upgrade. Alternately you may purchase a 1 year Yellow Ribbon upgrade from the E-R Store for $5 USD.

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Zinc itself does not easily catch on fire in normal conditions. However, if heated to high temperatures, zinc can produce zinc oxide fumes, which can ignite and cause a fire. It is important to handle and store zinc safely to prevent any fire hazards.

Where can someone find directions about how to make a ribbon necklace?

One can find directions on how to make a ribbon necklace from the following websites: Ribbon Choker, Dollar Store Crafts, Martha Stewart, Numei, Annie Howes, Grass Root Elegance, eHow, Tiny Sparkly Things, to name a few.

Why do plants which grow in soil deficient in magnesium store much less energy than plants which grow in soil rich in magnesium?

Plants deficient in magnesium may have lower chlorophyll production, affecting their ability to photosynthesize efficiently and store energy. Magnesium is also a critical component of enzymes involved in energy metabolism, so its deficiency can hinder energy storage processes within the plant. Soils rich in magnesium can support optimal plant growth and metabolic processes, allowing for greater energy storage.

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One can purchase a wood turning lathe at several locations. One can buy a lathe at a large store, like Sears, or a woodwork store or at an auction site like eBay.

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Raffia ribbon can be found and purchased at any local or national arts and crafts store. You can find a store either in your local phone book, or online.

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You should check with the Apple store to see if there is any problem with the device.

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Home Made Simple - 2011 Turning Thrift Store Finds to Chic 2-14 was released on: USA: 13 April 2013